Manel Mena
Cited by
Cited by
A progressive web application based on microservices combining geospatial data and the internet of things
M Mena, A Corral, L Iribarne, J Criado
IEEE access 7, 104577-104590, 2019
Digital dices: Towards the integration of cyber-physical systems merging the web of things and microservices
M Mena, J Criado, L Iribarne, A Corral
International Conference on Model and Data Engineering, 195-205, 2019
Towards high-availability cyber-physical systems using a microservice architecture
M Mena, J Criado, L Iribarne, A Corral, R Chbeir, Y Manolopoulos
Computing 105 (8), 1745-1768, 2023
Towards the integration of web of things applications based on service discovery
J Criado, J Boubeta-Puig, M Mena, JA Llopis, G Ortiz, L Iribarne
International Conference on Web Engineering, 24-29, 2020
Defining interactions of WoT servients with causality relations
M Mena, J Criado, L Iribarne, A Corral
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Management of Digital …, 2021
MI-FIWARE: A web component development method for FIWARE using microservices
JA Llopis, M Mena, J Criado, L Iribarne
2021 IEEE 45th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference …, 2021
Assembling the Web of Things and Microservices for the Management of Cyber-Physical Systems.
M Mena, J Criado, L Iribarne, A Corral
JUCS: Journal of Universal Computer Science 26 (7), 2021
Towards a discovery model for the web of things
JA Llopis, M Mena, J Criado, L Iribarne, A Corral
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Management of Digital …, 2022
WoTnectivity: a communication pattern for different web of things connection protocols
M Mena, J Criado, L Iribarne, ALC Liria
2020 IEEE 44th Annual Computers, Software, and Applications Conference …, 2020
Una arquitectura de microservicios para componentes digitales en la Web de las Cosas
M Mena, J Criado, L Iribarne, A Corral
Jornadas de Ingenierıa de Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD). Biblioteca …, 2019
Digital Dices: Microservicios en el marco de la Web of Things
M Mena
III JORNADAS, 31, 2020
A First Approach towards Storage and Query Processing of Big Spatial Networks in Scalable and Distributed Systems
M Mena, A Corral, L Iribarne
XXIII Jornadas de Ingenierıa del Software y Bases de Datos (JISBD 2018), Sevilla, 2018
A faceted discovery model architecture for cyber-physical systems in the web of things
JA Llopis, M Mena, J Criado, L Iribarne, A Corral
Computer Science and Information Systems, 49-49, 2023
WoTnectivity: estableciendo un patrón de comunicación común para el manejo de dispositivos WoT
M Mena
V Jornadas de Doctorado en Informática 131, 97, 2022
Applying GitHub Services to Support Teaching-learning Strategies in Computer Science Courses.
M Mena, J Criado, IM del Águila, J Cañadas, L Iribarne
CSEDU (1), 289-296, 2022
Interoperabilidad entre dispositivos IoT en el marco de la Web of Things
M Mena
IV Jornadas de Doctorado en Informática de la UAL 116, 83, 2021
Applied Computing Group (TIC-211), University of Almería, Almería, Spain {manel. mena, javi. criado, luis. iribarne, acorral}@ ual. es
M Mena
Model and Data Engineering: 9th International Conference, MEDI 2019 …, 2019
Una arquitectura de microservicios para componentes digitales en el marco del Internet de las Cosas
M Mena
II JORNADAS, 171, 2019
Alta disponibilidad en una arquitectura de microservicios para IoT
M Mena, J Criado, L Iribarne, A Corral
Un lenguaje para definir componentes WoT basados en microservicios
M Mena, J Criado, L Iribarne
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Articles 1–20