Florian Frohn
Cited by
Cited by
Analyzing Program Termination and Complexity Automatically with AProVE
J Giesl, C Aschermann, M Brockschmidt, F Emmes, F Frohn, C Fuhs, ...
Journal of Automated Reasoning 58, 3-31, 2017
Proving Termination of Programs Automatically with AProVE
J Giesl, M Brockschmidt, F Emmes, F Frohn, C Fuhs, C Otto, M Plücker, ...
Automated Reasoning: 7th International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2014, Held as …, 2014
Automatically proving termination and memory safety for programs with pointer arithmetic
T Ströder, J Giesl, M Brockschmidt, F Frohn, C Fuhs, J Hensel, ...
Journal of Automated Reasoning 58, 33-65, 2017
Lower runtime bounds for integer programs
F Frohn, M Naaf, J Hensel, M Brockschmidt, J Giesl
Automated Reasoning: 8th International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2016, Coimbra …, 2016
AProVE: Termination and Memory Safety of C Programs: (Competition Contribution)
T Ströder, C Aschermann, F Frohn, J Hensel, J Giesl
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2015
Proving Non-Termination via Loop Acceleration
F Frohn, J Giesl
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.11187, 2019
Complexity analysis for Java with AProVE
F Frohn, J Giesl
International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods, 85-101, 2017
A calculus for modular loop acceleration
F Frohn
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2020
Proving termination and memory safety for programs with pointer arithmetic
T Ströder, J Giesl, M Brockschmidt, F Frohn, C Fuhs, J Hensel, ...
Automated Reasoning: 7th International Joint Conference, IJCAR 2014, Held as …, 2014
Complexity analysis for term rewriting by integer transition systems
M Naaf, F Frohn, M Brockschmidt, C Fuhs, J Giesl
Frontiers of Combining Systems: 11th International Symposium, FroCoS 2017 …, 2017
Termination of triangular integer loops is decidable
F Frohn, J Giesl
Computer Aided Verification: 31st International Conference, CAV 2019, New …, 2019
Lower bounds for runtime complexity of term rewriting
F Frohn, J Giesl, J Hensel, C Aschermann, T Ströder
Journal of Automated Reasoning 59, 121-163, 2017
Termination and complexity analysis for programs with bitvector arithmetic by symbolic execution
J Hensel, J Giesl, F Frohn, T Ströder
Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 97, 105-130, 2018
Proving termination of programs with bitvector arithmetic by symbolic execution
J Hensel, J Giesl, F Frohn, T Ströder
Software Engineering and Formal Methods: 14th International Conference, SEFM …, 2016
Termination of polynomial loops
F Frohn, M Hark, J Giesl
International Static Analysis Symposium, 89-112, 2020
Inferring lower runtime bounds for integer programs
F Frohn, M Naaf, M Brockschmidt, J Giesl
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS) 42 (3), 1-50, 2020
Polynomial Loops: Beyond Termination.
M Hark, F Frohn, J Giesl
LPAR 20, 279-297, 2020
Proving non-termination and lower runtime bounds with LoAT (system description)
F Frohn, J Giesl
International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning, 712-722, 2022
Analyzing runtime complexity via innermost runtime complexity
F Frohn, J Giesl
LPAR 17, 249-268, 2017
AProVE: Proving and Disproving Termination of Memory-Manipulating C Programs: (Competition Contribution)
J Hensel, F Emrich, F Frohn, T Ströder, J Giesl
International Conference on Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and …, 2017
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Articles 1–20