J.L. McCune
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The influence of arbuscular mycorrhizae on the relationship between plant diversity and productivity
JN Klironomos, J McCune, M Hart, J Neville
Ecology letters 3 (2), 137-141, 2000
Quantifying temporal change in biodiversity: challenges and opportunities
M Dornelas, AE Magurran, ST Buckland, A Chao, RL Chazdon, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 280 (1750 …, 2013
Plant biodiversity change across scales during the Anthropocene
M Vellend, L Baeten, A Becker-Scarpitta, V Boucher-Lalonde, JL McCune, ...
Annual Review of Plant Biology 68, 563-586, 2017
Historical ecology: using unconventional data sources to test for effects of global environmental change
M Vellend, CD Brown, HM Kharouba, JL McCune, IH Myers-Smith
American Journal of Botany 100 (7), 1294-1305, 2013
Species distribution models rarely predict the biology of real populations
J A. Lee‐Yaw, J L. McCune, S Pironon, S N. Sheth
Ecography 2022 (6), e05877, 2022
Species distribution models predict rare species occurrences despite significant effects of landscape context
JL McCune
Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (6), 1871-1879, 2016
Species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi affect mycorrhizal responses to simulated herbivory
JN Klironomos, J McCune, P Moutoglis
Applied Soil Ecology 26 (2), 133-141, 2004
Gains in native species promote biotic homogenization over four decades in a human‐dominated landscape
JL McCune, M Vellend
Journal of Ecology 101 (6), 1542-1551, 2013
Threats to Canadian species at risk: An analysis of finalized recovery strategies
JL McCune, WL Harrower, S Avery-Gomm, JM Brogan, AM Csergő, ...
Biological conservation 166, 254-265, 2013
Multidisciplinary synthesis of long-term human–ecosystem interactions: A perspective from the Garry oak ecosystem of British Columbia
JL McCune, MG Pellatt, M Vellend
Biological conservation 166, 293-300, 2013
Phytoliths of southeastern Vancouver Island, Canada, and their potential use to reconstruct shifting boundaries between Douglas-fir forest and oak savannah
JL McCune, MG Pellatt
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 383, 59-71, 2013
Wonder, ignorance, and resistance: Landowners and the stewardship of endangered species
A Olive, JL McCune
Journal of Rural Studies 49, 13-22, 2017
Do ecological differences between taxonomic groups influence the relationship between species’ distributions and climate? A global meta‐analysis using species distribution models
HM Kharouba, JL McCune, W Thuiller, B Huntley
Ecography 36 (6), 657-664, 2013
The Neolithic Plant Invasion Hypothesis: the role of preadaptation and disturbance in grassland invasion
AS MacDougall, JL McCune, O Eriksson, SAO Cousins, M Pärtel, J Firn, ...
New Phytologist 220 (1), 94-103, 2018
Primula obconica–is contact allergy on the decline?
M Connolly, J Mc Cune, E Dauncey, CR Lovell
Contact Dermatitis 51 (4), 167-171, 2004
Context-dependent interactions and the regulation of species richness in freshwater fish
AS MacDougall, E Harvey, JL McCune, KA Nilsson, J Bennett, J Firn, ...
Nature Communications 9 (1), 973, 2018
Do traits of plant species predict the efficacy of species distribution models for finding new occurrences?
JL McCune, H Rosner‐Katz, JR Bennett, R Schuster, HM Kharouba
Ecology and evolution 10 (11), 5001-5014, 2020
Using stacked SDMs with accuracy and rarity weighting to optimize surveys for rare plant species
H Rosner-Katz, JL McCune, JR Bennett
Biodiversity and Conservation 29 (11), 3209-3225, 2020
Using plant traits to predict the sensitivity of colonizations and extirpations to landscape context
JL McCune, M Vellend
Oecologia 178, 511-524, 2015
The efficacy of protected areas and private land for plant conservation in a fragmented landscape
JL McCune, A Van Natto, AS MacDougall
Landscape Ecology 32 (4), 871-882, 2017
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Articles 1–20