Adam Shepherd
Adam Shepherd
Tech. Dir. of BCO-DMO @ Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
Zweryfikowany adres z whoi.edu - Strona główna
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Progress and challenges in ocean metaproteomics and proposed best practices for data sharing
MA Saito, EM Bertrand, ME Duffy, DA Gaylord, NA Held, WJ Hervey IV, ...
Journal of proteome research 18 (4), 1461-1476, 2019
The GeoLink modular oceanography ontology
A Krisnadhi, Y Hu, K Janowicz, P Hitzler, R Arko, S Carbotte, C Chandler, ...
The Semantic Web-ISWC 2015: 14th International Semantic Web Conference …, 2015
The GeoLink knowledge graph
M Cheatham, A Krisnadhi, R Amini, P Hitzler, K Janowicz, A Shepherd, ...
Big Earth Data 2 (2), 131-143, 2018
Geoscience data publication: Practices and perspectives on enabling the FAIR guiding principles
D Kinkade, A Shepherd
Geoscience Data Journal 9 (1), 177-186, 2022
Knowledge graphs to support real-time flood impact evaluation
JM Johnson, T Narock, J Singh-Mohudpur, D Fils, K Clarke, S Saksena, ...
AI Magazine 43 (1), 40-45, 2022
The GeoLink Framework for Pattern-based Linked Data Integration.
AA Krisnadhi, Y Hu, K Janowicz, P Hitzler, RA Arko, S Carbotte, ...
ISWC (Posters & Demos), 2015
Where big data meets linked data: applying standard data models to environmental data streams
A Leadbetter, D Smyth, R Fuller, E O'Grady, A Shepherd
2016 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 2929-2937, 2016
METATRYP v 2.0: metaproteomic least common ancestor analysis for taxonomic inference using specialized sequence assemblies—standalone software and web servers for marine …
JK Saunders, DA Gaylord, NA Held, N Symmonds, CL Dupont, ...
Journal of Proteome Research 19 (11), 4718-4729, 2020
The oceanlink project
T Narock, R Arko, S Carbotte, A Krisnadhi, P Hitzler, M Cheatham, ...
2014 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), 14-21, 2014
Linked ocean data 2.0
A Leadbetter, M Cheatham, A Shepherd, R Thomas
Oceanographic and marine cross-domain data management for sustainable …, 2017
Linked data: An oceanographic perspective
A Leadbetter, R Lowry, R Arko, C Chandler, A Shepherd
The Journal of ocean Technology, 2013
Development of an ocean protein portal for interactive discovery and education
MA Saito, JK Saunders, M Chagnon, DA Gaylord, A Shepherd, NA Held, ...
Journal of proteome research 20 (1), 326-336, 2020
Linked ocean data
AM Leadbetter
The Semantic Web in Earth and Space Science. Current Status and Future …, 2015
An Ontology Pattern for Oceanograhic Cruises: Towards an Oceanograhper's Dream of Integrated Knowledge Discovery
AA Krisnadhi, R Arko, S Carbotte, C Chandler, M Cheatham, T Finin, ...
Standards and practices for reporting plankton and other particle observations from images
A Neeley, SE Beaulieu, C Proctor, I Cetinic, J Futrelle, I Soto Ramos, ...
Science-on-Schema. org v1. 3.0
A Shepherd, M Jones, S Richard, N Jarboe, D Vieglais, D Fils, R Duerr, ...
Zenodo, 2022
Science-on-Schema. org v1. 2.0
M Jones, SM Richard, D Vieglais, A Shepherd, RE Duerr, D Fils, ...
DOI: https://doi. org/10.5281/zenodo 4477164, 2021
Semantics all the way down: the Semantic Web and open science in big earth data
T Narock, A Shepherd
Big Earth Data 1 (1-2), 159-172, 2017
Ontology pattern modeling for cross-repository data integration in the ocean sciences: The oceanographic cruise example
AA Krisnadhi, R Arko, S Carbotte, C Chandler, M Cheatham, T Finin, ...
The Semantic Web in Earth and Space Science. Current Status and Future …, 2015
Standards and practices for reporting plankton and other particle observations from images. Technical Manual.
A Neeley, S Beaulieu, C Proctor, I Cetinić, J Futrelle, I Soto Ramos, ...
Ocean Carbon & Biogeochemistry Project, 2021
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