Mark C T Wilson
Mark C T Wilson
School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds
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Wettability versus roughness of engineering surfaces
KJ Kubiak, MCT Wilson, TG Mathia, P Carval
Wear 271 (3-4), 523-528, 2011
Gravity-driven flow of continuous thin liquid films on non-porous substrates with topography
PH Gaskell, PK Jimack, M Sellier, HM Thompson, MCT Wilson
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 509, 253-280, 2004
Displacement of liquid droplets on a surface by a shearing air flow
J Fan, MCT Wilson, N Kapur
Journal of colloid and interface science 356 (1), 286-292, 2011
Nonlocal hydrodynamic influence on the dynamic contact angle: Slip models versus experiment
MCT Wilson, JL Summers, YD Shikhmurzaev, A Clarke, TD Blake
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 73 (4 …, 2006
Heat transfer enhancement in a micro-channel cooling system using cylindrical vortex generators
MT Al-Asadi, FS Alkasmoul, MCT Wilson
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 74, 40-47, 2016
The dynamics of the impact and coalescence of droplets on a solid surface
JR Castrejon-Pita, ES Betton, KJ Kubiak, MCT Wilson, IM Hutchings
Biomicrofluidics 5 (1), 2011
Mixing and internal dynamics of droplets impacting and coalescing on a solid surface
JR Castrejón-Pita, KJ Kubiak, AA Castrejón-Pita, MCT Wilson, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (2 …, 2013
Competing geometric and inertial effects on local flow structure in thick gravity-driven fluid films
M Scholle, A Haas, N Aksel, MCT Wilson, HM Thompson, PH Gaskell
Physics of Fluids 20 (12), 2008
Development of a new mechano-chemical model in boundary lubrication
A Ghanbarzadeh, M Wilson, A Morina, D Dowson, A Neville
Tribology International 93, 573-582, 2016
Dynamics of contact line motion during the wetting of rough surfaces and correlation with topographical surface parameters
KJ Kubiak, MCT Wilson, TG Mathia, S Carras
Scanning 33 (5), 370-377, 2011
A semi-deterministic wear model considering the effect of zinc dialkyl dithiophosphate tribofilm
A Ghanbarzadeh, P Parsaeian, A Morina, MCT Wilson, MCP van Eijk, ...
Tribology Letters 61, 1-15, 2016
Dealing with numerical noise in CFD-based design optimization
CA Gilkeson, VV Toropov, HM Thompson, MCT Wilson, NA Foxley, ...
Computers & Fluids 94, 84-97, 2014
Assessment of vortex generator shapes and pin fin perforations for enhancing water-based heat sink performance
MT Al-Asadi, A Al-damook, MCT Wilson
International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 91, 1-10, 2018
Eddy genesis and transformation of Stokes flow in a double-lid driven cavity
F Gürcan, PH Gaskell, MD Savage, MCT Wilson
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2003
A practical evaluation of the performance of Al2O3-water, TiO2-water and CuO-water nanofluids for convective cooling
FS Alkasmoul, MT Al-Asadi, TG Myers, HM Thompson, MCT Wilson
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 126, 639-651, 2018
An experimental and analytical study of the effect of water and its tribochemistry on the tribocorrosive wear of boundary lubricated systems with ZDDP-containing oil
P Parsaeian, A Ghanbarzadeh, M Wilson, MCP Van Eijk, I Nedelcu, ...
Wear 358, 23-31, 2016
Quantifying passive ventilation within small livestock trailers using Computational Fluid Dynamics
CA Gilkeson, HM Thompson, MCT Wilson, PH Gaskell
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 124, 84-99, 2016
Benefits of spanwise gaps in cylindrical vortex generators for conjugate heat transfer enhancement in micro-channels
MT Al-Asadi, FS Alkasmoul, MCT Wilson
Applied Thermal Engineering 130, 571-586, 2018
Effect of low salinity on the oil desorption efficiency from calcite and silica surfaces
A Al-Khafaji, A Neville, M Wilson, D Wen
Energy & Fuels 31 (11), 11892-11901, 2017
Stokes flow in a half-filled annulus between rotating coaxial cylinders
PH Gaskell, MD Savage, M Wilson
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 337, 263-282, 1997
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Articles 1–20