Martin Ferus
Martin Ferus
J.Heyrovsky Institute of Physical Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences
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Cited by
A chemical survey of exoplanets with ARIEL
G Tinetti, P Drossart, P Eccleston, P Hartogh, A Heske, J Leconte, ...
Experimental astronomy 46, 135-209, 2018
High-energy chemistry of formamide: A unified mechanism of nucleobase formation
M Ferus, D Nesvorný, J Šponer, P Kubelík, R Michalčíková, V Shestivská, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (3), 657-662, 2015
Formation of nucleobases in a Miller–Urey reducing atmosphere
M Ferus, F Pietrucci, AM Saitta, A Knížek, P Kubelík, O Ivanek, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (17), 4306-4311, 2017
High energy radical chemistry formation of HCN-rich atmospheres on early Earth
M Ferus, P Kubelík, A Knížek, A Pastorek, J Sutherland, S Civiš
Scientific reports 7 (1), 6275, 2017
High-energy chemistry of formamide: A simpler way for nucleobase formation
M Ferus, R Michalcikova, V Shestivská, J Sponer, JE Sponer, S Civis
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 118 (4), 719-736, 2014
On the road from formamide ices to nucleobases: IR-spectroscopic observation of a direct reaction between cyano radicals and formamide in a high-energy impact event
M Ferus, S Civis, A Mládek, J Sponer, L Juha, JE Šponer
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (51), 20788-20796, 2012
Prebiotic synthesis of nucleic acids and their building blocks at the atomic level–merging models and mechanisms from advanced computations and experiments
JE Šponer, R Szabla, RW Góra, AM Saitta, F Pietrucci, F Saija, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (30), 20047-20066, 2016
A study of thermal decomposition and combustion products of disposable polyethylene terephthalate (PET) plastic using high resolution fourier transform infrared spectroscopy …
K Sovová, M Ferus, I Matulkova, P Španěl, K Dryahina, O Dvořák, S Civiš
Molecular Physics 106 (9-10), 1205-1214, 2008
Oxygen-isotope labeled titania: Ti 18 O 2
L Kavan, M Zukalova, M Ferus, J Kürti, J Koltai, S Civiš
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 13 (24), 11583-11586, 2011
Ariel: Enabling planetary science across light-years
G Tinetti, P Eccleston, C Haswell, PO Lagage, J Leconte, T Lüftinger, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.04824, 2021
TiO2-catalyzed synthesis of sugars from formaldehyde in extraterrestrial impacts on the early Earth
S Civiš, R Szabla, BM Szyja, D Smykowski, O Ivanek, A Knížek, P Kubelík, ...
Scientific reports 6 (1), 23199, 2016
Prebiotic synthesis initiated in formaldehyde by laser plasma simulating high-velocity impacts
M Ferus, F Pietrucci, AM Saitta, O Ivanek, A Knizek, P Kubelík, M Krus, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 626, A52, 2019
Laser spark formamide decomposition studied by FT-IR spectroscopy
M Ferus, P Kubelik, S Civis
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115 (44), 12132-12141, 2011
HNC/HCN ratio in acetonitrile, formamide, and BrCN discharge
M Ferus, P Kubelík, K Kawaguchi, K Dryahina, P Španěl, S Civiš
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115 (10), 1885-1899, 2011
Photochemistry and Gas-Phase FTIR Spectroscopy of Formic Acid Interaction with Anatase Ti18O2 Nanoparticles
S Civis, M Ferus, M Zukalova, P Kubat, L Kavan
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (20), 11200-11205, 2012
HNCO-based synthesis of formamide in planetary atmospheres
M Ferus, V Laitl, A Knizek, P Kubelík, J Sponer, J Kára, JE Sponer, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 616, A150, 2018
Identifiable acetylene features predicted for young earth-like exoplanets with reducing atmospheres undergoing heavy bombardment
PB Rimmer, M Ferus, IP Waldmann, A Knížek, D Kalvaitis, O Ivanek, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 888 (1), 21, 2019
The origin of methane and biomolecules from a CO2 cycle on terrestrial planets
S Civiš, A Knížek, O Ivanek, P Kubelík, M Zukalová, L Kavan, M Ferus
Nature Astronomy 1 (10), 721-726, 2017
Mars: new insights and unresolved questions
HG Changela, E Chatzitheodoridis, A Antunes, D Beaty, K Bouw, ...
International Journal of Astrobiology 20 (6), 394-426, 2021
Potassium spectra in the 700–7000 cm-1 domain: Transitions involving f-, g-, and h-states
S Civiš, M Ferus, P Kubelík, P Jelinek, VE Chernov
Astronomy & Astrophysics 541, A125, 2012
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Articles 1–20