Hansjörg Plieninger
Hansjörg Plieninger
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Cited by
Validity of multiprocess IRT models for separating content and response styles
H Plieninger, T Meiser
Educational and Psychological Measurement 74 (5), 875-899, 2014
Mountain or Molehill? A Simulation Study on the Impact of Response Styles
H Plieninger
Educational and Psychological Measurement, 2016
A new model for acquiescence at the interface of psychometrics and cognitive psychology
H Plieninger, DW Heck
Multivariate behavioral research 53 (5), 633-654, 2018
IRT ree models with ordinal and multidimensional decision nodes for response styles and trait‐based rating responses
T Meiser, H Plieninger, M Henninger
British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology 72 (3), 501-516, 2019
Developing and applying IR-tree models: Guidelines, caveats, and an extension to multiple groups
H Plieninger
Organizational Research Methods 24 (3), 654-670, 2021
The female fish is more responsive: Gender moderates the BFLPE in the domain of science
H Plieninger, O Dickhäuser
Educational Psychology 35 (2), 213-227, 2015
Different styles, different times: How response times can inform our knowledge about the response process in rating scale measurement
M Henninger, H Plieninger
Assessment 28 (5), 1301-1319, 2021
An experimental comparison of the effect of different response formats on response styles
H Plieninger, M Henninger, T Meiser
Towards a Deeper Understanding of Response Styles Through Psychometrics, 115, 2018
The effect of response formats on response style strength: An experimental comparison.
M Henninger, H Plieninger, T Meiser
European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 2023
Towards a deeper understanding of response styles through psychometrics
H Plieninger
SET-Oase für Menschen mit schwerer Demenz
B Romero, G Robl, K Dannich, H Plieninger
Pflegezeitschrift 74 (3), 60-63, 2021
4 Towards a Better Response Format (and Back)
H Plieninger, M Henninger, T Meiser
Towards a Deeper Understanding of Response Styles Through Psychometrics, 21, 2018
Ein neues Modell für Akquieszenz an der Schnittstelle von Psychometrie und Kognitiver Psychologie
H Plieninger, DW Heck
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, 2017
Simulating the Impact of Acquiescence Response Style
H Plieninger
79th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society, 2014
Der Einfluss von Antwortformaten auf Antwortstile: Experimentelle Evaluation eines neuartigen Drag-and-Drop-Formats
H Plieninger, M Henninger, T Meiser
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Articles 1–15