Alex Kearney
Alex Kearney
PhD Candidate, University of Alberta
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Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Women, politics and Twitter: using machine learning to change the discourse
L Cuthbertson, A Kearney, R Dawson, A Zawaduk, E Cuthbertson, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.11025, 2019
Tidbd: Adapting temporal-difference step-sizes through stochastic meta-descent
A Kearney, V Veeriah, JB Travnik, RS Sutton, PM Pilarski
arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.03334, 2018
Temporal-difference learning to assist human decision making during the control of an artificial limb
AL Edwards, A Kearney, MR Dawson, RS Sutton, PM Pilarski
arXiv preprint arXiv:1309.4714, 2013
Predictions, Surprise, and Predictions of Surprise in General Value Function Architectures
PMP J. Gunther, A. Kearney, M. R. Dawson, C. Sherstan
AAAI 2018 Fall Symposium on Reasoning and Learning in Real-World Systems for …, 2018
Examining the Use of Temporal-Difference Incremental Delta-Bar-Delta for Real-World Predictive Knowledge Architectures
J Günther, NM Ady, MR Kearney, Alex, Dawson, PM Pilarski
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.05751, 2019
Learning feature relevance through step size adaptation in temporal-difference learning
A Kearney, V Veeriah, J Travnik, PM Pilarski, RS Sutton
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.03252, 2019
Meta-learning for Predictive Knowledge Architectures: A Case Study Using TIDBD on a Sensor-rich Robotic Arm.
J Günther, A Kearney, NM Ady, MR Dawson, PM Pilarski
AAMAS, 1967-1969, 2019
What’sa good prediction? Challenges in evaluating an agent’s knowledge
A Kearney, AJ Koop, PM Pilarski
Adaptive Behavior 31 (3), 197-212, 2023
What Should I Know? Using Meta-Gradient Descent for Predictive Feature Discovery in a Single Stream of Experience
A Kearney, A Koop, J Günther, PM Pilarski
Conference on Lifelong Learning Agents, 604-616, 2022
Finding useful predictions by meta-gradient descent to improve decision-making
A Kearney, A Koop, J Günther, PM Pilarski
arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.11212, 2021
Prediction, Knowledge, and Explainability: Examining the Use of General Value Functions in Machine Knowledge
A Kearney, J Günther, PM Pilarski
Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence 5, 826724, 2022
What's a good prediction? Issues in evaluating general value functions through error
A Kearney, A Koop, PM Pilarski
arXiv [Preprint]. arXiv: 2001.08823, 2020
When is a prediction knowledge?
A Kearney, PM Pilarski
arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.09024, 2019
Making Meaning: Semiotics Within Predictive Knowledge Architectures
A Kearney, O Oxton
arXiv preprint arXiv:1904.09023, 2019
Evaluating Predictive Knowledge
A Kearney, A Koop, C Sherstan, J Günther, RS Sutton, PM Pilarski, ...
AAAI 2018 Fall Symposium on Reasoning and Learning in Real-World Systems for …, 2018
Device and method for machine-learning step-size adaptation
AK Kearney
US Patent 11,625,598, 2023
Letting the Agent Take the Wheel: Principles for Constructive and Predictive Knowledge
AK Kearney
Dealing With Changing Contexts In Myoelectric Control
AJ Koop, A Kearney, M Bowling, PM Pilarski
Myoelectric Controls Symposium, Fredericton, New Brunswick, 2014
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