Nanlin Jin
Nanlin Jin
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Cited by
If you have a hammer everything looks like a nail: traditional versus participatory model building
C Prell, K Hubacek, M Reed, C Quinn, N Jin, J Holden, T Burt, M Kirby, ...
Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 32 (3), 263-282, 2007
Feature construction and calibration for clustering daily load curves from smart-meter data
R Al-Otaibi, N Jin, T Wilcox, P Flach
IEEE Transactions on industrial informatics 12 (2), 645-654, 2016
The future of the uplands
MS Reed, A Bonn, W Slee, N Beharry-Borg, J Birch, I Brown, TP Burt, ...
Land use policy 26, S204-S216, 2009
Anticipating and managing future trade-offs and complementarities between ecosystem services
MS Reed, K Hubacek, A Bonn, TP Burt, J Holden, LC Stringer, ...
Ecology and Society 18 (1), 2013
A Big Data platform for smart meter data analytics
T Wilcox, N Jin, P Flach, J Thumim
Computers in Industry 105, 250-259, 2019
Convolutional neural network fault classification based on time-series analysis for benchmark wind turbine machine
R Rahimilarki, Z Gao, N Jin, A Zhang
Renewable Energy 185, 916-931, 2022
Subgroup discovery in smart electricity meter data
N Jin, P Flach, T Wilcox, R Sellman, J Thumim, A Knobbe
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 10 (2), 1327-1336, 2014
Modelling the coupled dynamics of moorland management and upland vegetation
DS Chapman, M Termansen, CH Quinn, N Jin, A Bonn, SJ Cornell, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 46 (2), 278-288, 2009
Automated blood cell detection and counting via deep learning for microfluidic point-of-care medical devices
T Xia, R Jiang, YQ Fu, N Jin
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 646 (1), 012048, 2019
Closed form fuzzy interpolation with interval type-2 fuzzy sets
L Yang, C Chen, N Jin, X Fu, Q Shen
2014 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE), 2184-2191, 2014
Noise tolerant drift detection method for data stream mining
P Wang, N Jin, WL Woo, JR Woodward, D Davies
Information Sciences 609, 1318-1333, 2022
Population based incremental learning versus genetic algorithms: Iterated prisoners dilemma
T Gosling, N Jin, E Tsang
Department of Computer Science, University of Essex, England, Tech. Rep. CSM-401, 2004
Co-adaptive strategies for sequential bargaining problems with discount factors and outside options
N Jin, E Tsang
2006 IEEE International Conference on Evolutionary Computation, 2149-2156, 2006
A constraint-guided method with evolutionary algorithms for economic problems
N Jin, E Tsang, J Li
Applied Soft Computing 9 (3), 924-935, 2009
Cloud computing deployment: a cost-modelling case-study
J Ellman, N Lee, N Jin
Wireless Networks, 1-8, 2023
Adaptive farming strategies for dynamic economic environment
N Jin, M Termansen, K Hubacek, J Holden, M Kirkby
2007 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, 1213-1220, 2007
Equilibrium selection by co-evolution for bargaining problems under incomplete information about time preferences
N Jin
2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 3, 2661-2668, 2005
Population based incremental learning with guided mutation versus genetic algorithms: iterated prisoners dilemma
T Gosling, N Jin, E Tsang
2005 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation 1, 958-965, 2005
Low-cost automatic slope monitoring using vector tracking analyses on live-streamed time-lapse imagery
MW Khan, S Dunning, R Bainbridge, J Martin, A Diaz-Moreno, H Torun, ...
Remote Sensing 13 (5), 893, 2021
Concept drift detection with false positive rate for multi-label classification in iot data stream
P Wang, N Jin, G Fehringer
2020 International Conference on UK-China Emerging Technologies (UCET), 1-4, 2020
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Articles 1–20