Vlado Frančić, Full. Prof.
Vlado Frančić, Full. Prof.
Faculty of Maritime Study Rijeka, Croatia
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The role of the human factor in marine accidents
N Hasanspahić, S Vujičić, V Frančić, L Čampara
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9 (3), 261, 2021
Ballast water sediment elemental analysis
L Maglić, D Zec, V Frančić
Marine pollution bulletin 103 (1-2), 93-100, 2016
Overview and comparison of the IMO and the US Maritime Administration ballast water management regulations
L Čampara, V Frančić, L Maglić, N Hasanspahić
Journal of marine science and engineering 7 (9), 283, 2019
Reporting as a key element of an effective near-miss management system in shipping
N Hasanspahić, V Frančić, S Vujičić, L Maglić
Safety 6 (4), 53, 2020
Ballast water sediment management in ports
L Maglić, V Frančić, D Zec, M David
Marine pollution bulletin 147, 237-244, 2019
Towards a cyber secure shipboard radar
B Svilicic, I Rudan, V Frančić, D Mohović
The Journal of Navigation 73 (3), 547-558, 2020
Shipboard ECDIS cyber security: Third-party component threats
B Svilicic, I Rudan, V Frančić, M Doričić
Pomorstvo 33 (2), 176-180, 2019
Quality of maritime higher education from seafarers’ perspective
L Čampara, V Frančić, M Bupić
Pomorstvo 31 (2), 137-150, 2017
Analiza sigurnosti putničkih brodova u nacionalnoj plovidbi
V Frančić, M Njegovan, L Maglić
Pomorstvo 23 (2), 539-555, 2009
Comparative analysis of conventional and swath passenger catamaran
S Kos, D Brčić, V Frančić
Proceedings of International Conference on Transport Science, 1-11, 2009
VTMIS služba u funkciji unaprjeđenja sigurnosti pomorskog prometa i zaštite okoliša na Jadranu
P Komadina, D Brčić, V Frančić
Pomorski zbornik 47 (1.), 27-40, 2013
Effectiveness of a barge-based ballast water treatment system for multi-terminal ports
L Maglić, D Zec, V Frančić
Promet-Traffic&Transportation 27 (5), 429-437, 2015
Near-miss reporting as seen from seafarers' perspective
N Hasanspahić, V Frančić, S Vujičić, L Maglić
TransNav: International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea …, 2021
Analysis of Navigation Safety Regarding Tankers in Narrow Waterways
N Hasanspahić, V Frančić, I Rudan, L Maglić
Pomorski zbornik 55 (1), 201-217, 2018
Prospects for use of extended reality technology for ship passenger evacuation simulation
G Vukelić, G Vizentin, V Frančić
Pomorstvo 35 (1), 49-56, 2021
Early detection of vessel collision situations in a vessel traffic services area
I Rudan, V Frančić, M Valčić, M Sumner
Transport 35 (2), 121-132, 2020
Model of the Adaptive Information System on a Navigational Bridge
L Maglić, D Zec, V Frančić
The Journal of Navigation 69 (6), 1247-1260, 2016
Particularity of safety measures on board ships operating in the “Motorways of the Sea” service
A Gundić, V Frančić
Pomorstvo 28 (1), 70-79, 2014
Integrated information solution as a platform for data exchange in modernized ADRIREP system
M Šorović, T Maričević, D Brčić, Z Đurović, V Frančić, N Kapidani, Ž Lukšić
2023 22nd International Symposium INFOTEH-JAHORINA (INFOTEH), 1-6, 2023
Training Requirements for LNG Ship-to-Ship Transfer
T Tokić, V Frančić, N Hasanspahić, I Rudan
Pomorski zbornik 60 (1), 49-63, 2021
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