Kevin Sterne
Kevin Sterne
Research Faculty, Virginia Tech
Zweryfikowany adres z vt.edu
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Statistical characterization of the large‐scale structure of the sub‐auroral polarization stream
BSR Kunduri, JBH Baker, JM Ruohoniemi, EG Thomas, SG Shepherd, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 0
On the spatial distribution of decameter‒scale subauroral ionospheric irregularities observed by SuperDARN radars
S Larquier, P Ponomarenko, AJ Ribeiro, JM Ruohoniemi, JBH Baker, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 118 (8), 5244-5254, 2013
Modeling of a twin terminated folded dipole antenna for the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN)
KT Sterne, RA Greenwald, JBH Baker, JM Ruohoniemi
2011 IEEE RadarCon (RADAR), 934-938, 2011
SuperDARN Radar Software Toolkit (RST) 4.1
EG Thomas, PV Ponomarenko, EC Bland, B AG, K Kotyk, SG Shepherd, ...
Testing the Re-designed SuperDARN HF Radar and Modeling of a Twin Terminated Folded Dipole Array
KT Sterne
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2010
Direct Observations of a Polar Cap Patch Formation Associated with Dayside Reconnection Driven Fast Flow
J Ren, S Zou, E Kendall, A Coster, K Sterne, M Ruohoniemi
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 0
Bistatic Observations with SuperDARN HF Radars: First Results
SG Shepherd, KT Sterne, EG Thomas, JM Ruohoniemi, JBH Baker, ...
Radio Science, e2020RS007121, 0
Modeling and Validating a SuperDARN Radar's Poynting Flux Profile
GW Perry, KD Ruzic, K Sterne, AD Howarth, AW Yau
Radio Science 57 (3), 2022
SuperDARN ionospheric space weather
JBH Baker, JM Ruohoniemi, AJ Ribeiro, LBN Clausen, RA Greenwald, ...
IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine 26 (10), 30-34, 2011
Tire Pressure Monitoring System Sensor Radio Frequency Measurements for Privacy Concerns
KT Sterne, JM Ernst, DK Kilcoyne, AJ Michaels, G Moy
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 2017
TPMS Sensor RF Measurements for Privacy Concerns
KT Sterne, JM Ernst, DK Kilcoyne, AJ Michaels, G Moy
Transportation Research Board 96th Annual Meeting, 2017
SuperDARN Radar Software Toolkit (RST) 4.7
B AG, EG Thomas, MT Schmidt, EC Bland, I Coco, PV Ponomarenko, ...
Zenodo, 2022
Monitoring ionospheric space weather with the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN)
JBH Baker, JM Ruohoniemi, AJ Ribeiro, LBN Clausen, RA Greenwald, ...
2010 IEEE Radar Conference, 1414-1417, 2010
Remote sensing of sea ice cover using SuperDARN HF radars
EG Thomas, KT Sterne, PV Ponomarenko, JBH Baker, ...
Radio Science Meeting (USNC-URSI NRSM), 2014 United States National …, 2014
Autonomous Remote Measurement Techniques and Technologies to Improve Observational Gaps in Southern Polar Regions
Z Xu, MD Hartinger, RC Clauer, DR Weimer, S Coyle, J Baker, K Sterne, ...
Heliophysics 2050: Measurements and Technologies Workshop, 4006, 2022
Ionospheric Sounding with SuperDARN HF Radars
E Thomas, S Shepherd, G Chisham, D Elton, MF Marcucci, K McWilliams, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, SA43A-09, 2021
SuperDARN Radar Software Toolkit (RST) 4.6
MT Schmidt, EC Bland, EG Thomas, B AG, I Coco, PV Ponomarenko, ...
Zenodo, 2021
Modeling and validating a SuperDARN radar's power density profile
GW Perry, K Ruzic, KT Sterne, A Yau, AD Howarth
Earth and Space Science Open Archive ESSOAr, 2021
SuperDARN Radar Software Toolkit (RST) 4.5
EG Thomas, MT Schmidt, EC Bland, B AG, PV Ponomarenko, AS Reimer, ...
Zenodo, 2021
Assessing the impact of E-region coherent backscatter on HF propagation at auroral latitudes with e-POP RRI measurements and ray trace modeling
GW Perry, K Ruzic, KT Sterne, AW Yau
AGU Fall Meeting 2020, 2020
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