Alicja Niedźwiecka
Alicja Niedźwiecka
University of Warsaw, Faculty of Psychology
Zweryfikowany adres z psych.uw.edu.pl - Strona główna
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Mutual gaze during early mother-infant interactions promotes attention control development.
A Niedźwiecka, S Ramotowska, P Tomalski
Child Development 89 (6), 2230-2244, 2017
Combining recurrence analysis and automatic movement extraction from video recordings to study behavioral coupling in face-to-face parent-child interactions
D López Pérez, G Leonardi, A Niedźwiecka, A Radkowska, ...
Frontiers in psychology 8, 2228, 2017
Gaze-cueing effect depends on facial expression of emotion in 9-to 12-month-old infants
A Niedźwiecka, P Tomalski
Frontiers in psychology 6, 122, 2015
Parent-child interaction during the first year of life in infants at elevated likelihood of autism spectrum disorder
M Pijl, C Bontinck, NNJ Rommelse, T Charman, IJ Oosterling, ...
Infant Behavior and Development 62, 2021
Look Me in the Eyes: Mechanisms Underlying the Eye Contact Effect
A Niedźwiecka
Child Development Perspectives 14 (2), 78-82, 2020
Chaotic home environment is associated with reduced infant processing speed under high task demands.
P Tomalski, K Marczuk, E Pisula, A Malinowska, R Kawa, A Niedźwiecka
Infant Behavior and Development 48 (Part B), 124-133, 2017
Sensory processing in toddlers with autism spectrum disorders
A Niedźwiecka, Z Domasiewicz, R Kawa, P Tomalski, E Pisula
European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 2019
Symptoms of Autism Spectrum disorders measured by the qualitative checklist for Autism in toddlers in a large sample of Polish toddlers
A Niedźwiecka, E Pisula
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (5), 3072, 2022
Silence matters: The role of pauses during dyadic maternal and paternal vocal interactions with preterm and full-term infants
E Kiepura, A Niedźwiecka, G Kmita
Journal of Child Language 49 (3), 451-468, 2022
Maternal Mood and Perception of Infant Temperament at Three Months Predict Depressive Symptoms Scores in Mothers of Preterm Infants at Six Months
G Kmita, E Kiepura, A Niedźwiecka
Frontiers in Psychology 13, 812893, 2022
Eye contact effect: The role of vagal regulation and reactivity, and self-regulation of attention
A Niedźwiecka
Current Psychology, 2021
Kompetencje dzieci głuchych w posługiwaniu się językiem migowym - metody oceny i jej kliniczne znaczenie
P Tomaszewski, A Niedźwiecka, M Majewska
Edukacja 4 (147), 136-148, 2018
Symptoms of Autism, Comorbid Mental Health Conditions and Challenging Behaviors among Toddlers with Down Syndrome at Low Risk for ASD—Characterization Using the BISCUIT—Parts 1–3
E Pisula, A Niedźwiecka
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (20), 10684, 2021
Analiza interakcji dziecko-rodzic. Wprowadzenie dla studentów, klinicystów i badaczy.
A Niedźwiecka
Autism Spectrum-Related Terms Preferred by Polish-Speaking Persons on the Autism Spectrum and Participants Without a Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Conditions
A Niedźwiecka, E Pisula
Autism in Adulthood, 2024
Cognitive appraisal of the COVID-19 pandemic situation and posttraumatic growth in people with disabilities
K Zawistowska, A Niedźwiecka, E Pisula
Man Disability Society 60 (2), 5-24, 2023
Ocena poznawcza sytuacji pandemii COVID-19 a wzrost potraumatyczny u osób z niepełnosprawnościami
K Zawistowska, A Niedźwiecka, E Pisula
Człowiek–Niepełnosprawność–Społeczeństwo 60 (2), 5-24, 2023
Parent-child interaction during the first year of life in infants at elevated likelihood of autism spectrum disorder
C Boomen, S Bölte, MH Johnson, T Charman, P Warreyn, H Roeyers, ...
Infant Behavior and Development, 2020
Zachowania samoregulacyjne dzieci urodzonych przedwcześnie w wieku 12 miesięcy podczas interakcji dziecko–rodzice–osoba obca
A Niedźwiecka
Psychologiczne mechanizmy regulacji z perspektywy zdrowia i choroby, 207-239, 2020
Wpływ kierunku spojrzenia i mimicznej ekspresji emocji na orientowanie się u niemowląt w wieku 9-12 miesięcy
A Niedźwiecka
University of Warsaw, 2016
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