Edward Gillman
Edward Gillman
Research Fellow, University of Nottingham
Zweryfikowany adres z nottingham.ac.uk
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Critical behavior of the quantum contact process in one dimension
F Carollo, E Gillman, H Weimer, I Lesanovsky
Physical review letters 123 (10), 100604, 2019
Quantum backflow states from eigenstates of the regularized current operator
JJ Halliwell, E Gillman, O Lennon, M Patel, I Ramirez
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 46 (47), 475303, 2013
Numerical simulation of critical dissipative non-equilibrium quantum systems with an absorbing state
E Gillman, F Carollo, I Lesanovsky
New Journal of Physics 21 (9), 093064, 2019
Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions in ()-Dimensional Quantum Cellular Automata with Controllable Quantum Correlations
E Gillman, F Carollo, I Lesanovsky
Physical Review Letters 125 (10), 100403, 2020
Quantum and Classical Temporal Correlations in Quantum Cellular Automata
E Gillman, F Carollo, I Lesanovsky
Physical Review Letters 127 (23), 230502, 2021
Numerical simulation of quantum nonequilibrium phase transitions without finite-size effects
E Gillman, F Carollo, I Lesanovsky
Physical Review A 103 (4), L040201, 2021
Topological defects in quantum field theory with matrix product states
E Gillman, A Rajantie
Physical Review D 96 (9), 094509, 2017
Kibble Zurek mechanism of topological defect formation in quantum field theory with matrix product states
E Gillman, A Rajantie
Physical Review D 97 (9), 094505, 2018
Using quantum cellular automata for exploring collective effects in large-scale quantum neural networks
E Gillman, F Carollo, I Lesanovsky
Physical Review E 107 (2), L022102, 2023
Asynchronism and nonequilibrium phase transitions in -dimensional quantum cellular automata
E Gillman, F Carollo, I Lesanovsky
Physical Review E 106 (3), L032103, 2022
A tensor network approach to finite markov decision processes
E Gillman, DC Rose, JP Garrahan
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.05185, 2020
Combining Reinforcement Learning and Tensor Networks, with an Application to Dynamical Large Deviations
E Gillman, DC Rose, JP Garrahan
Physical Review Letters 132 (19), 197301, 2024
Modelling nature: An introduction to mathematical modelling of natural systems
E Gillman, M Gillman
CABI, 2019
Topological Defect Formation in Quantum Phase Transitions
E Gillman
Imperial College London, 2018
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