Sojung Park
Sojung Park
Zweryfikowany adres z snu.ac.kr
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
The use of annual mileage as a rating variable
J Lemaire, SC Park, KC Wang
ASTIN Bulletin: The Journal of the IAA 46 (1), 39-69, 2016
The impact of culture on the demand for non-life insurance
SC Park, J Lemaire
ASTIN Bulletin: The Journal of the IAA 42 (2), 501-527, 2012
Reinsurance and systemic risk: The impact of reinsurer downgrading on property–casualty insurers
SC Park, X Xie
Journal of Risk and Insurance 81 (3), 587-622, 2014
Culture matters: Long-term orientation and the demand for life insurance
S Park, J Lemaire
Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance 5 (2), 2011
Does hunger for bonuses drive the dependence between claim frequency and severity?
SC Park, JHT Kim, JY Ahn
Insurance: Mathematics and economics 83, 32-46, 2018
Generalized linear mixed models for dependent compound risk models
H Jeong, EA Valdez, JY Ahn, S Park
Available at SSRN 3045360, 2017
Is the Design of Bonus-Malus Systems Influenced by Insurance Maturity or National Culture?—Evidence from Asia
SC Park, J Lemaire, CT Chua
The geneva papers on risk and insurance-issues and practice 35, S7-S27, 2010
The sensitivity of reinsurance demand to counterparty risk: Evidence from the US property–liability insurance industry
SC Park, X Xie, P Rui
Journal of Risk and Insurance 86 (4), 915-946, 2019
Investigating dependence between frequency and severity via simple generalized linear models
W Lee, SC Park, JY Ahn
Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 48 (1), 13-28, 2019
인슈어테크 혁명: 현황 점검 및 과제 고찰
The opacity of insurance companies
S Park
Unpublished paper, University of Pennsylvania, 2008
The impact of covariates on a bonus–malus system: an application of Taylor’s model
J Lemaire, SC Park, KC Wang
European Actuarial Journal 5, 1-10, 2015
Do Japanese policyholders care about insurers’ credit quality?
SC Park, Y Tokutsune
The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance-Issues and Practice 38, 1-21, 2013
Investors' Overreaction to an Extreme Event: Evidence from the World Trade Center Terrorist Attack
SC Park
SSRN, 2009
The Opaqueness of Structured Bonds: Evidence from the US Insurance Industry
SC Park, J Lemaire, X Xie
The Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance-Issues and Practice 41, 650-676, 2016
Mergers and Acquisitions in the US Insurance Industry
BJ Kim, SC Park
World Risk and Insurance Economics Congress WRIEC, Munich, 2015
Double-counting problem of the bonus–malus system
R Oh, KS Lee, SC Park, JY Ahn
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 93, 141-155, 2020
Externalities from driving luxury cars
SC Park, S Han
Risk Management and Insurance Review 20 (3), 391-427, 2017
Fee-for-service health insurance and moral hazard of hospitals
CW Jung, SC Park
Asia-Pacific Journal of Risk and Insurance 15 (2), 145-167, 2021
The Cost of High Suicide Rates in Japan and the Republic of Korea: Reduced Life Expectancies.
E Oblander, SC Park, J Lemaire
Asia-Pacific Population Journal 31 (2), 2016
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