Analysis of the accuracy of determining the coordinates property borders P Hanus, E Jasińska, E Preweda International Conference on Environmental Engineering, 2014 | 33 | 2014 |
Wybrane metody statystyczne w analizie rynku nieruchomości (Chosen statistical method in real estate market analysis) E Jasińska UWND, AGH, 2012 | 18* | 2012 |
CURRENT PROBLEMS OF VALUATION AND REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT BY VALUE S Źróbek, E Kucharska-Stasiak, M Trojanek, J Adamiczka, T Budzyński, ... | 17 | 2014 |
REAL ESTATE DUE DILIGENCE ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE POLISH MARKET E Jasińska 14th SGEM GeoConference on Informatics, Geoinformatics and Remote Sensing 2 …, 2014 | 16 | 2014 |
Sustainable formation of urban development on the example of the primary real estate market in Krakow K Butryn, E Jasińska, O Kovalyshyn, E Preweda E3S Web of Conferences 86, 00010, 2019 | 15 | 2019 |
Land use efficiency on example of the transformation of rural properties E Jasińska “Environmental Engineering” 10th International Conference Vilnius Gediminas …, 2017 | 14 | 2017 |
Accuracy of determination of real estate area A Bieda, P Hanus, E Jasińska, E Preweda International Conference Environmental Engineering, 2014 | 14 | 2014 |
Surveying Protection of Agricultural Land in Poland A Bieda, E Jasinska, E Preweda International Conference “Environmental Engineering, 2014 | 12 | 2014 |
A few comments on determining the shapes of hyperboloid cooling towers by the means of ambient tangents method E Jasińska, E Preweda Geodezja, 2004 | 12 | 2004 |
Statistical Modelling of the Market Value of Dwellings, on the Example of the City of Kraków E Jasińska, E Preweda Sustainability 13 (16), 9339, 2021 | 9 | 2021 |
Sprzedaż gruntów przez agencję nieruchomości rolnych na przykładzie województwa podkarpackiego E Jasińska, E Preweda Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich 1, 31-40, 2012 | 9* | 2012 |
Directions for land management in rural areas M Dudzińska, E Jasińska, K Kocur-Bera, P Leń, E Preweda, N Sajnóg, ... Croatian Information Technology Society, GIS Forum, 2014 | 8 | 2014 |
Effect the Accuracy of Benchmarks to Establish of the Determination of Geodetic Network E Jasinska, E Preweda International Conference “Environmental Engineering, 2014 | 7 | 2014 |
The use of regression trees to the analysis of real estate market of housing E Jasińska, E Preweda Proceedings of the 13th International Multidisciplinary Scientific …, 2013 | 7 | 2013 |
Determining the cadastral-tax areas for the real estate premises based on the model of qualitative and quantitative E Jasińska, E Preweda Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2017 | 6 | 2017 |
Organization of the building space of developments and its impact on residential housing prices E Preweda, E Jasińska Sustainability 12 (18), 7622, 2020 | 5 | 2020 |
Ocenianie wewnątrzszkolne i zewnętrzne a jakość pracy szkoły w innowacji pedagogicznej wdrożonej w szkole miejskiej województwa dolnośląskiego–konkluzje [w:] B. Niemierko, J … E Jasińska, M Jasiński Dwa rodzaje oceniania szkolnego, ocenianie wewnątrzszkolne i zewnętrzne a …, 2002 | 5 | 2002 |
The comparison of some aspects of appraiser (valuer) profession in Poland and Belgium E Jasińska, E Preweda, J Ruchel Geomatics and Environmental Engineering 2, 59-66, 2008 | 4 | 2008 |
Methods of selecting factors in the analysis of the real estates market E Jasińska, E Preweda Geodezja/Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie, 117-129, 2006 | 4 | 2006 |
Zastosowanie analizy czynnikowej w szacowaniu nieruchomości E Jasińska | 4 | 2005 |