Michael Forbes
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Cited by
Stability criteria for breached-pair superfluidity
MMN Forbes, E Gubankova, WV Liu, F Wilczek
Physical review letters 94 (1), 017001, 2005
Negative-mass hydrodynamics in a spin-orbit–coupled bose-einstein condensate
MA Khamehchi, K Hossain, ME Mossman, Y Zhang, T Busch, ...
Physical review letters 118 (15), 155301, 2017
Unitary fermi supersolid: The larkin-ovchinnikov phase
A Bulgac, MMN Forbes
Physical review letters 101 (21), 215301, 2008
Resonantly interacting fermions in a box
MMN Forbes, S Gandolfi, A Gezerlis
Physical review letters 106 (23), 235303, 2011
Induced -Wave Superfluidity in Asymmetric Fermi Gases
A Bulgac, MMN Forbes, A Schwenk
Physical review letters 97 (2), 020402, 2006
Broyden's method in nuclear structure calculations
A Baran, A Bulgac, MMN Forbes, G Hagen, W Nazarewicz, N Schunck, ...
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 78 (1), 014318, 2008
Quantized superfluid vortex rings in the unitary Fermi gas
A Bulgac, MMN Forbes, MM Kelley, KJ Roche, G Wlazłowski
Physical review letters 112 (2), 025301, 2014
Zero-temperature thermodynamics of asymmetric Fermi gases at unitarity
A Bulgac, MMN Forbes
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (3), 031605, 2007
The unitary Fermi gas: From Monte Carlo to density functionals
A Bulgac, MMN Forbes, P Magierski
The BCS-BEC crossover and the unitary fermi gas, 305-373, 2011
WMAP haze: Directly observing dark matter?
MMN Forbes, AR Zhitnitsky
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 78 (8), 083505, 2008
Minimal Nuclear Energy Density Functional
NS A. Bulgac, M. M. Forbes, S. Jin, R. N. Perez
Phys. Rev. C 97, 044313, 2018
Minimal Nuclear Energy Density Functional
NS A. Bulgac, M. M. Forbes, S. Jin, R. N. Perez
Phys. Rev. C 97, 044313, 2018
Vortex pinning and dynamics in the neutron star crust
G Wlazłowski, K Sekizawa, P Magierski, A Bulgac, MMN Forbes
Physical review letters 117 (23), 232701, 2016
Global strings in high density QCD
MMN Forbes, AR Zhitnitsky
Physical Review D 65 (8), 085009, 2002
Effective-Range Dependence of Resonantly Interacting Fermions
MMN Forbes, S Gandolfi, A Gezerlis
Arxiv preprint arXiv:1205.4815, 2012
Use of the discrete variable representation basis in nuclear physics
A Bulgac, MMN Forbes
Physical Review C—Nuclear Physics 87 (5), 051301, 2013
Primordial galactic magnetic fields from domain walls at the QCD phase transition
MMN Forbes, A Zhitnitsky
Physical review letters 85 (25), 5268-5271, 2000
Domain walls in QCD
MMN Forbes, AR Zhitnitsky
Journal of High Energy Physics 2001 (10), 013, 2001
Electrosphere of macroscopic “quark nuclei”: A source for diffuse MeV emissions<? format?> from dark matter
MMN Forbes, K Lawson, AR Zhitnitsky
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 82 (8), 083510, 2010
Kaon condensation in a Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model at high density
MMN Forbes
Physical Review D 72 (9), 094032, 2005
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Articles 1–20