Dobromił Serwa
Dobromił Serwa
SGH Warsaw School of Economics
Zweryfikowany adres z sgh.waw.pl - Strona główna
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Financial contagion vulnerability and resistance: A comparison of European stock markets
D Serwa, MT Bohl
Economic systems 29 (3), 344-362, 2005
Intra-and inter-regional spillovers between emerging capital markets around the world
B Gębka, D Serwa
Research in International Business and Finance 21 (2), 203-221, 2007
Are financial spillovers stable across regimes?: Evidence from the 1997 Asian crisis
B Gębka, D Serwa
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 16 (4 …, 2006
Larger crises cost more: Impact of banking sector instability on output growth
D Serwa
Journal of International Money and Finance 29 (8), 1463-1481, 2010
Determinants of credit to households: An approach using the life-cycle model
M Rubaszek, D Serwa
Economic Systems 38 (4), 572-587, 2014
Testing for financial spillovers in calm and turbulent periods
J Białkowski, MT Bohl, D Serwa
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 46 (3), 397-412, 2006
Analiza kursu walutowego
M Rubaszek, D Serwa, W Marcinkowska-Lewandowska
CH Beck, 2009
International spillovers of monetary policy: Lessons from Chile, Korea, and Poland
K Gajewski, A Jara, Y Kang, J Mok, D Moreno, D Serwa
Journal of International Money and Finance 90, 175-186, 2019
Market perception of sovereign credit risk in the euro area during the financial crisis
G Camba-Méndez, D Serwa
The North American Journal of Economics and Finance 37, 168-189, 2016
Financial contagion, spillovers and causality in the Markov switching framework
J Białkowski*, D Serwa
Quantitative Finance 5 (1), 123-131, 2005
Banking crises and nonlinear linkages between credit and output
D Serwa
Applied Economics 44 (8), 1025-1040, 2012
Determinants of credit to households in a life-cycle model
M Rubaszek, D Serwa
National Bank of Poland Working Paper, 2011
Macro-financial linkages in the Polish economy: combined impulse-response functions in SVAR models
D Serwa, P Wdowinski
NBP Working Paper, 2016
International banking and liquidity risk transmission: Evidence from Poland
M Pawłowska, D Serwa, S Zajączkowski
IMF Economic Review 63, 585-605, 2015
International transmission of liquidity shocks between parent banks and their affiliates: the host country perspective
M Pawlowska, D Serwa, S Zajączkowski
NBP Working paper, 2014
Reakcje rynków finansowych na szoki w polityce pieniężnej
D Serwa, M Szymańska
Bank i Kredyt, 16-31, 2004
Reakcje kursu walutowego na zmiany poziomu stóp procentowych: analiza zdarzeń dla danych dziennych
D Serwa, A Smolińska-Skarżynska
Bank i Kredyt, 80-91, 2004
Measuring non-performing loans during (and after) credit booms
D Serwa
Central European Journal of Economic Modelling and Econometrics, 163-183-163-183, 2013
The elusive nature of motives to trade: Evidence from international stock markets
B Gębka, D Serwa
International Review of Financial Analysis 39, 147-157, 2015
Empirical evidence on financial spillovers and contagion to international stock markets
D Serwa
Europa-Universität Viadrina Frankfurt, 2005
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