Agnieszka Józefowska
Agnieszka Józefowska
University of Agriculture in Krakow, Departnent of Soil Science and Agrophysics
Zweryfikowany adres z urk.edu.pl
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Assessment of heavy metals contamination in surface layers of Roztocze National Park forest soils (SE Poland) by indices of pollution
R Mazurek, J Kowalska, M Gąsiorek, P Zadrożny, A Józefowska, T Zaleski, ...
Chemosphere 168, 839-850, 2017
The effects of tree species and substrate on carbon sequestration and chemical and biological properties in reforested post-mining soils
A Józefowska, M Pietrzykowski, B Woś, T Cajthaml, J Frouz
Geoderma 292, 9-16, 2017
Soil formation on calcium carbonate-rich parent material in the outer Carpathian Mountains–A case study
JB Kowalska, T Zaleski, A Józefowska, R Mazurek
Catena 174, 436-451, 2019
Tree species and soil substrate effects on soil biota during early soil forming stages at afforested mine sites
A Józefowska, B Woś, M Pietrzykowski
Applied Soil Ecology 102, 70-79, 2016
Succession from meadow to mature forest: Impacts on soil biological, chemical and physical properties—Evidence from the Pieniny Mountains, Poland
J Sokołowska, A Józefowska, K Woźnica, T Zaleski
Catena 189, 104503, 2020
Fine root biomass and the associated C and nutrient pool under the alder (Alnus spp.) plantings on reclaimed technosols
B Świątek, B Woś, M Chodak, SK Maiti, A Józefowska, M Pietrzykowski
Geoderma 337, 1021-1027, 2019
Reclaimed mine soil substrates and tree stands vs. successional forest floor vegetation: A case study of developing ecosystems on afforested mine sites
B Woś, M Pietrzykowski, A Józefowska
Ecological Engineering 120, 504-512, 2018
Colonisation by enchytraeids as a suitable indicator of successful biological reclamation of post-mining technosols using alders
A Józefowska, W arłomiej, P Marcin, J Schlaghamerský
Applied Soil Ecology 145, 2020
An improved method for determination of aggregate stability using laser diffraction
A Bieganowski, T Zaleski, B Kajdas, A Sochan, A Józefowska, M Beczek, ...
Land Degradation & Development 29 (5), 1376-1384, 2018
Relationships between respiration, chemical and microbial properties of afforested mine soils with different soil texture and tree species: Does the time of incubation matter
A Józefowska, M Pietrzykowski, B Woś, T Cajthaml, J Frouz
European journal of soil biology 80, 102-109, 2017
Influence of tree species on carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus stocks and stoichiometry under different soil regeneration scenarios on reclaimed and afforested mine and post …
B Woś, M Chodak, A Józefowska, M Pietrzykowski
Geoderma 415, 115782, 2022
Do mowing regimes affect plant and soil biological activity in the mountain meadows of Southern Poland?
A Józefowska, T Zaleski, J Zarzycki, K Frączek
Journal of Mountain Science 15 (11), 2409-2421, 2018
Consequences of land-use changes for soil quality and function, with a focus on the EU and Latin America
A Józefowska, JC Loaiza-Usuga, O Schmidt
Climate Change and Soil Interactions, 207-228, 2020
Quality assessment of wild and cultivated green tea from different regions of China
M Chowaniak, M Niemiec, Z Zhu, N Rashidov, Z Gródek-Szostak, ...
Molecules 26 (12), 3620, 2021
Interrelationship between soil depth and soil properties of Pieniny National Park forest (Poland)
J Sokołowska, J Agnieszka, K Woźnica, T Zaleski
Journal of Mountain Science 16 (7), 1534–1545, 2019
Recovering of soil organic matter and associated C and N pools on regenerated forest ecosystems at different tree species influence on post-fire and reclaimed mine sites
B Woś, A Józefowska, M Chodak, M Pietrzykowski
Geoderma Regional 33, e00632, 2023
Effect of tree species and soil texture on the carbon stock, macronutrient content, and physicochemical properties of regenerated postfire forest soils
B Woś, A Józefowska, J Likus‐Cieślik, M Chodak, M Pietrzykowski
Land Degradation & Development 32 (18), 5227-5240, 2021
Distribution of earthworm communities in agroecosystems with forested riparian buffer strips: A multiscale study
A Cameron, G Boilard, R Dubois, R Bradley, P Benetková, A Józefowska, ...
Applied Soil Ecology 167, 104035, 2021
Tree species and soil substrate affect buffer capacity of anthroposols in afforested postmine sites in Poland
A Józefowska, J Sokołowska, K Woźnica, B Woś, M Pietrzykowski
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 74 (4), 372-379, 2019
Mercury concentration in Technosols and alder tissue from a plantation on a combustion waste disposal site
B Woś, K Sroka, A Józefowska, M Pietrzykowski
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 230, 1-13, 2019
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