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Global Warming of 1.5° C. An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5° C above pre‐industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in … IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) The context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate …, 2018 | 2766* | 2018 |
The community earth system model: a framework for collaborative research JW Hurrell, MM Holland, PR Gent, S Ghan, JE Kay, PJ Kushner, ... Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 94 (9), 1339-1360, 2013 | 2539 | 2013 |
Historical (1850–2000) gridded anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions of reactive gases and aerosols: methodology and application JF Lamarque, TC Bond, V Eyring, C Granier, A Heil, Z Klimont, D Lee, ... Atmospheric chemistry and physics 10 (15), 7017-7039, 2010 | 2228 | 2010 |
Impacts of 1.5 C global warming on natural and human systems O Hoegh Guldberg, D Jacob, M Taylor, M Bindi, S Brown, IA Camilloni, ... Panel Intergubernamental sobre Cambio Climático, 2018 | 2197 | 2018 |
Processes and patterns of oceanic nutrient limitation CM Moore, MM Mills, KR Arrigo, I Berman-Frank, L Bopp, PW Boyd, ... Nature geoscience 6 (9), 701-710, 2013 | 2051 | 2013 |
Atmospheric global dust cycle and iron inputs to the ocean NM Mahowald, AR Baker, G Bergametti, N Brooks, RA Duce, TD Jickells, ... Global biogeochemical cycles 19 (4), 2005 | 1295 | 2005 |
Global review and synthesis of trends in observed terrestrial near-surface wind speeds: Implications for evaporation TR McVicar, ML Roderick, RJ Donohue, LT Li, TG Van Niel, A Thomas, ... Journal of Hydrology 416, 182-205, 2012 | 1269 | 2012 |
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A global assessment of precipitation chemistry and deposition of sulfur, nitrogen, sea salt, base cations, organic acids, acidity and pH, and phosphorus R Vet, RS Artz, S Carou, M Shaw, CU Ro, W Aas, A Baker, VC Bowersox, ... Atmospheric Environment 93, 3-100, 2014 | 869 | 2014 |
Global distribution of atmospheric phosphorus sources, concentrations and deposition rates, and anthropogenic impacts N Mahowald, TD Jickells, AR Baker, P Artaxo, CR Benitez‐Nelson, ... Global biogeochemical cycles 22 (4), 2008 | 786 | 2008 |
Dust sources and deposition during the last glacial maximum and current climate: A comparison of model results with paleodata from ice cores and marine sediments N Mahowald, K Kohfeld, M Hansson, Y Balkanski, SP Harrison, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 104 (D13), 15895-15916, 1999 | 783 | 1999 |
Influence of carbon‐nitrogen cycle coupling on land model response to CO2 fertilization and climate variability PE Thornton, JF Lamarque, NA Rosenbloom, NM Mahowald Global biogeochemical cycles 21 (4), 2007 | 748 | 2007 |
Change in atmospheric mineral aerosols in response to climate: Last glacial period, preindustrial, modern, and doubled carbon dioxide climates NM Mahowald, DR Muhs, S Levis, PJ Rasch, M Yoshioka, CS Zender, ... Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111 (D10), 2006 | 700 | 2006 |
Toward a minimal representation of aerosols in climate models: Description and evaluation in the Community Atmosphere Model CAM5 X Liu, RC Easter, SJ Ghan, R Zaveri, P Rasch, X Shi, JF Lamarque, ... Geoscientific Model Development 5 (3), 709-739, 2012 | 659 | 2012 |
Atmospheric iron deposition: global distribution, variability, and human perturbations NM Mahowald, S Engelstaedter, C Luo, A Sealy, P Artaxo, ... Annual review of marine science 1 (1), 245-278, 2009 | 655 | 2009 |
The size distribution of desert dust aerosols and its impact on the Earth system N Mahowald, S Albani, JF Kok, S Engelstaeder, R Scanza, DS Ward, ... Aeolian Research 15, 53-71, 2014 | 608 | 2014 |
What caused the glacial/interglacial atmospheric pCO2 cycles? D Archer, A Winguth, D Lea, N Mahowald Reviews of Geophysics 38 (2), 159-189, 2000 | 606 | 2000 |
Springtime warming and reduced snow cover from carbonaceous particles MG Flanner, CS Zender, PG Hess, NM Mahowald, TH Painter, ... Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9 (7), 2481-2497, 2009 | 601 | 2009 |
Increasing eolian dust deposition in the western United States linked to human activity JC Neff, AP Ballantyne, GL Farmer, NM Mahowald, JL Conroy, CC Landry, ... Nature Geoscience 1 (3), 189-195, 2008 | 571 | 2008 |