Péter Babarczi
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Cited by
Empowering self-driving networks
P Kalmbach, J Zerwas, P Babarczi, A Blenk, W Kellerer, S Schmid
Proceedings of the afternoon workshop on self-driving networks, 8-14, 2018
How to measure network flexibility? A proposal for evaluating softwarized networks
W Kellerer, A Basta, P Babarczi, A Blenk, M He, M Klugel, AM Alba
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (10), 186-192, 2018
Optimal false-positive-free Bloom filter design for scalable multicast forwarding
J Tapolcai, J Bíró, P Babarczi, A Gulyás, Z Heszberger, D Trossen
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 23 (6), 1832-1845, 2014
Optimal allocation of monitoring trails for fast SRLG failure localization in all-optical networks
B Wu, PH Ho, J Tapolcai, P Babarczi
2010 IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference GLOBECOM 2010, 1-5, 2010
Failure localization for shared risk link groups in all-optical mesh networks using monitoring trails
J Tapolcai, PH Ho, L Rónyai, P Babarczi, B Wu
Journal of Lightwave Technology 29 (10), 1597-1606, 2011
Adjacent link failure localization with monitoring trails in all-optical mesh networks
P Babarczi, J Tapolcai, PH Ho
IEEE/ACM transactions on networking 19 (3), 907-920, 2011
Cost comparison of 1+ 1 path protection schemes: A case for coding
H Řverby, G Biczók, P Babarczi, J Tapolcai
2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 3067-3072, 2012
Stateless multi-stage dissemination of information: Source routing revisited
J Tapolcai, A Gulyás, Z Heszbergery, J Biro, P Babarczi, D Trossen
2012 IEEE Global communications conference (GLOBECOM), 2797-2802, 2012
A survey on network resiliency methodologies against weather-based disruptions
M Tornatore, J André, P Babarczi, T Braun, E Fřlstad, P Heegaard, ...
2016 8th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling …, 2016
Realization strategies of dedicated path protection: A bandwidth cost perspective
P Babarczi, G Biczók, H Řverby, J Tapolcai, P Soproni
Computer Networks 57 (9), 1974-1990, 2013
eFRADIR: An Enhanced FRAmework for DIsaster Resilience
A Pašić, R Girăo-Silva, F Mogyorósi, B Vass, T Gomes, P Babarczi, ...
IEEE Access 9, 13125-13148, 2021
FRADIR: A novel framework for disaster resilience
A Pašić, R Girăo-Silva, B Vass, T Gomes, P Babarczi
2018 10th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling …, 2018
Instantaneous recovery of unicast connections in transport networks: Routing versus coding
P Babarczi, A Pašić, J Tapolcai, F Németh, B Ladóczki
Computer Networks 82, 68-80, 2015
A mathematical framework for measuring network flexibility
P Babarczi, M Klügel, AM Alba, M He, J Zerwas, P Kalmbach, A Blenk, ...
Computer Communications 164, 13-24, 2020
Internet optical infrastructure
J Tapolcai, PH Ho, P Babarczi, L Rónyai
Springer-Verlag New York, 2016
Neighborhood failure localization in all-optical networks via monitoring trails
J Tapolcai, PH Ho, P Babarczi, L Rónyai
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 23 (6), 1719-1728, 2014
Minimum-weight link-disjoint node-“somewhat disjoint” paths
J Yallouz, O Rottenstreich, P Babarczi, A Mendelson, A Orda
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 26 (3), 1110-1122, 2018
On signaling-free failure dependent restoration in all-optical mesh networks
J Tapolcai, PH Ho, P Babarczi, L Rónyai
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 22 (4), 1067-1078, 2013
FRADIR-II: An improved framework for disaster resilience
A Pašić, R Girăo-Silva, B Vass, T Gomes, F Mogyorósi, P Babarczi, ...
2019 11th International Workshop on Resilient Networks Design and Modeling …, 2019
Resilient flow decomposition of unicast connections with network coding
P Babarczi, J Tapolcai, L Rónyai, M Médard
2014 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, 116-120, 2014
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Articles 1–20