Michał Kosakowski
Cited by
Cited by
Why do people prefer gratitude journaling over gratitude letters? The influence of individual differences in motivation and personality on web-based interventions
LD Kaczmarek, TB Kashdan, D Drążkowski, J Enko, M Kosakowski, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 75, 1-6, 2015
Capitalizing on the success of romantic partners: A laboratory investigation on subjective, facial, and physiological emotional processing
SS Monfort, LD Kaczmarek, TB Kashdan, D Drążkowski, M Kosakowski, ...
Personality and Individual Differences 68, 149-153, 2014
Splitting the affective atom: Divergence of valence and approach-avoidance motivation during a dynamic emotional experience
LD Kaczmarek, M Behnke, J Enko, M Kosakowski, P Guzik, BM Hughes
Current Psychology 40, 3272-3283, 2021
Effects of emotions on heart rate asymmetry
LD Kaczmarek, M Behnke, J Enko, M Kosakowski, BM Hughes, ...
Psychophysiology 56 (4), e13318, 2019
High-approach and low-approach positive affect influence physiological responses to threat and anger
LD Kaczmarek, M Behnke, M Kosakowski, J Enko, M Dziekan, J Piskorski, ...
International Journal of Psychophysiology 138, 27-37, 2019
Gratitude texting touches the heart: challenge/threat cardiovascular responses to gratitude expression predict self-initiation of gratitude interventions in daily life
J Enko, M Behnke, M Dziekan, M Kosakowski, LD Kaczmarek
Journal of Happiness Studies 22, 49-69, 2021
Give and take: The role of reciprocity in capitalization
LD Kaczmarek, KC Kelso, M Behnke, TB Kashdan, M Dziekan, E Matuła, ...
The Journal of Positive Psychology 17 (4), 561-572, 2022
Positive emotions boost enthusiastic responsiveness to capitalization attempts. Dissecting self-report, physiology, and behavior
LD Kaczmarek, TB Kashdan, M Behnke, M Dziekan, E Matuła, ...
Journal of Happiness Studies, 1-19, 2021
Evil joy is hard to share: Negative affect attenuates interpersonal capitalizing on immoral deeds.
M Misiak, M Behnke, B Peters, M Dziekan, M Kosakowski, ŁD Kaczmarek
Emotion 23 (1), 230, 2023
The effect of emodiversity on cardiovascular responsesduring the interpersonal limited resources conflict. Examinations of affective states and traits within the framework of …
M Kosakowski
Zakład Psychologii Społecznej [nowa struktura organizacyjna], 2021
Egzystencjalna teoria umysłu: konstrukcja narzędzia pomiarowego
M Kosakowski
Testy psychologiczne w praktyce i badaniach, 60-75, 2016
Wpływ różnorodności emocjonalnej (emodiversity) na reakcje układu sercowo-naczyniowego w sytuacji interpersonalnego konfliktu o zasoby. Analiza stanów emocjonalnych i cech w …
M Kosakowski
Behavioral Intention Scale
LD Kaczmarek, TB Kashdan, D Drążkowski, J Enko, M Kosakowski, ...
Personality and Individual Differences, 0
Give and Take: The Role of Reciprocity in Capitalization
M Kosakowski, J Enko, P Guzik
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Articles 1–14