Full Professor of Computer Science, Aix-Marseille Université
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Cytowane przez
Discovering frequent closed itemsets for association rules
N Pasquier, Y Bastide, R Taouil, L Lakhal
Database Theory—ICDT’99: 7th International Conference Jerusalem, Israel …, 1999
Efficient mining of association rules using closed itemset lattices
N Pasquier, Y Bastide, R Taouil, L Lakhal
Information systems 24 (1), 25-46, 1999
Computing iceberg concept lattices with titanic
G Stumme, R Taouil, Y Bastide, N Pasquier, L Lakhal
Data & knowledge engineering 42 (2), 189-222, 2002
Mining minimal non-redundant association rules using frequent closed itemsets
Y Bastide, N Pasquier, R Taouil, G Stumme, L Lakhal
International Conference on Computational Logic, 972-986, 2000
Mining frequent patterns with counting inference
Y Bastide, R Taouil, N Pasquier, G Stumme, L Lakhal
ACM SIGKDD Explorations Newsletter 2 (2), 66-75, 2000
Efficient discovery of functional dependencies and armstrong relations
S Lopes, JM Petit, L Lakhal
International Conference on Extending Database Technology, 350-364, 2000
Lecture notes in computer science (including subseries lecture notes in artificial intelligence and lecture notes in bioinformatics): Preface
M Abe, K Aoki, G Ateniese, R Avanzi, Z Beerliová, O Billet, A Biryukov, ...
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in …, 2006
Generating a condensed representation for association rules
N Pasquier, R Taouil, Y Bastide, G Stumme, L Lakhal
Journal of intelligent information systems 24, 29-60, 2005
Pruning closed itemset lattices for association rules
N Pasquier, Y Bastide, R Taouil, L Lakhal
BDA'1998 international conference on Advanced Databases, 177-196, 1998
Intelligent structuring and reducing of association rules with formal concept analysis
G Stumme, R Taouil, Y Bastide, N Pasquier, L Lakhal
KI 2001: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: Joint German/Austrian …, 2001
Closed sets based discovery of small covers for association rules
N Pasquier, Y Bastide, R Taouil, L Lakhal
BDA'1999 international conference on Advanced Databases, 361-381, 1999
Fast computation of concept lattices using data mining techniques
G Stumme, R Taouil, Y Bastide, N Pasquier, L Lakhal
Efficient mining of association rules based on formal concept analysis
L Lakhal, G Stumme
Formal concept analysis: Foundations and Applications, 180-195, 2005
Functional and approximate dependency mining: database and FCA points of view
S Lopes, JM Petit, L Lakhal
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence 14 (2-3), 93-114, 2002
Pascal: un algorithme d'extraction des motifs fréquents
Y Bastide, R Taouil, N Pasquier, G Stumme, L Lakhal
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information-Série TSI: Technique et …, 2002
Conceptual clustering with iceberg concept lattices
G Stumme, R Taouil, Y Bastide, L Lakhal
Proc. of GI-Fachgruppentreffen Maschinelles Lernen 1, 2001
Mining bases for association rules using closed sets
R Taouil, N Pasquier, Y Bastide, L Lakhal
ICDE'2000 International Conference, 307, 2000
Essential patterns: A perfect cover of frequent patterns
A Casali, R Cicchetti, L Lakhal
International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, 428-437, 2005
iO2 An algorithmic method for building inheritance graphs in object database design
A Yahia, L Lakhal, R Cicchetti, JP Bordat
International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 422-437, 1996
Towards a Formal Approach for Object Database Design.
P Poncelet, M Teisseire, R Cicchetti, L Lakhal
VLDB, 278-289, 1993
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