Yves Brunet
Yves Brunet
Directeur de recherche, INRA
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Coherent eddies and turbulence in vegetation canopies: the mixing layer analogy
R M.R., F J.J., B Y.
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 78, 351-382, 1996
A wind tunnel study of air flow in waving wheat: single-point velocity statistics
Y Brunet, JJ Finnigan, MR Raupach
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 70 (1), 95-132, 1994
Flux-gradient relationships above tall plant canopies
P Cellier, Y Brunet
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 58 (1-2), 93-117, 1992
Detection of turbulent coherent motions in a forest canopy part I: Wavelet analysis
S Collineau, Y Brunet
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 65 (4), 357-379, 1993
Quality control of CarboEurope flux data–Part 1: Coupling footprint analyses with flux data quality assessment to evaluate sites in forest ecosystems
M Göckede, T Foken, M Aubinet, M Aurela, J Banza, C Bernhofer, ...
Biogeosciences 5 (2), 433-450, 2008
Evaporation over land-surfaces: First results from HAPEX-MOBILHY special observing period
JC Andre, JP Goutorbe, A Perrier, F Becker, P Bessemoulin, P Bougeault, ...
Annales Geophysicae 6, 477-492, 1988
An experimental study of angular effects on surface temperature for various plant canopies and bare soils
JP Lagouarde, YH Kerr, Y Brunet
Agricultural and forest meteorology 77 (3-4), 167-190, 1995
Edge flow and canopy structure: a large-eddy simulation study
S Dupont, Y Brunet
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 126 (1), 51-71, 2008
Turbulent airflow in forests on flat and hilly terrain
JJ Finnigan, Y Brunet
Wind and trees, 3-40, 1995
Coherent structures in canopy edge flow: a large-eddy simulation study
S Dupont, Y Brunet
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 630, 93-128, 2009
Influence of foliar density profile on canopy flow: a large-eddy simulation study
S Dupont, Y Brunet
Agricultural and forest meteorology 148 (6-7), 976-990, 2008
Detection of turbulent coherent motions in a forest canopy part II: Time-scales and conditional averages
S Collineau, Y Brunet
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 66 (1), 49-73, 1993
Partitioning forest carbon fluxes with overstory and understory eddy-covariance measurements: A synthesis based on FLUXNET data
L Misson, DD Baldocchi, TA Black, PD Blanken, Y Brunet, JC Yuste, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 144 (1-2), 14-31, 2007
On coherent structures in turbulence above and within agricultural plant canopies.
KT Paw U, Y Brunet, S Collineau, RH Shaw, T Maitani, J Qiu, L Hipps
A wind tunnel study of air flow in waving wheat: two-point velocity statistics
RH Shaw, Y Brunet, JJ Finnigan, MR Raupach
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 76 (4), 349-376, 1995
MuSICA, a CO2, water and energy multilayer, multileaf pine forest model: evaluation from hourly to yearly time scales and sensitivity analysis
J Ogée, Y Brunet, D Loustau, P Berbigier, S Delzon
Global Change Biology 9 (5), 697-717, 2003
A forest floor model for heat and moisture including a litter layer
J Ogée, Y Brunet
Journal of Hydrology 255 (1-4), 212-233, 2002
Coherent eddies in vegetation canopies
MR Raupach, JJ Finnigan, Y Brunet
The control of coherent eddies in vegetation canopies: streamwise structure spacing, canopy shear scale and atmospheric stability
Y Brunet, MR Irvine
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 94, 139-163, 2000
Ozone fluxes above and within a pine forest canopy in dry and wet conditions
E Lamaud, A Carrara, Y Brunet, A Lopez, A Druilhet
Atmospheric Environment 36 (1), 77-88, 2002
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Articles 1–20