Peter Nielsen
Cited by
Cited by
Energy consumption in unmanned aerial vehicles: A review of energy consumption models and their relation to the UAV routing
A Thibbotuwawa, P Nielsen, B Zbigniew, G Bocewicz
Information Systems Architecture and Technology: Proceedings of 39th …, 2019
On the training of a neural network for online path planning with offline path planning algorithms
I Sung, B Choi, P Nielsen
International Journal of Information Management 57, 102142, 2021
UAV Mission Planning Resistant to Weather Uncertainty
A Thibbotuwawa, G Bocewicz, G Radzki, P Nielsen, Z Banaszak
Sensors 20 (2), 515, 2020
Multi-objective co-operative co-evolutionary algorithm for minimizing carbon footprint and maximizing line efficiency in robotic assembly line systems
JM Nilakantan, Z Li, Q Tang, P Nielsen
Journal of Cleaner Production 156, 124-136, 2017
Unmanned aerial vehicle routing problems: a literature review
A Thibbotuwawa, G Bocewicz, P Nielsen, Z Banaszak
Applied Sciences 10 (13), 4504, 2020
Metaheuristic algorithms for balancing robotic assembly lines with sequence-dependent robot setup times
MN Janardhanan, Z Li, G Bocewicz, Z Banaszak, P Nielsen
Applied Mathematical Modelling 65, 256-270, 2019
A simulation-based genetic algorithm approach for reducing emissions from import container pick-up operation at container terminal
NAD Do, IE Nielsen, G Chen, P Nielsen
Annals of Operations Research 242 (2), 285-301, 2016
Planning deliveries with UAV routing under weather forecast and energy consumption constraints
A Thibbotuwawa, G Bocewicz, P Nielsen, B Zbigniew
IFAC-PapersOnLine 52 (13), 820-825, 2019
Co-evolutionary particle swarm optimization algorithm for two-sided robotic assembly line balancing problem
Z Li, MN Janardhanan, Q Tang, P Nielsen
Advances in Mechanical Engineering 8 (9), 1687814016667907, 2016
An investigation of forecast horizon and observation fit’s influence on an econometric rate forecast model in the liner shipping industry
P Nielsen, L Jiang, NGM Rytter, G Chen
Maritime Policy & Management 41 (7), 667-682, 2014
An integrated approach for line balancing and AGV scheduling towards smart assembly systems
HF Rahman, MN Janardhanan, P Nielsen
Assembly Automation 40 (2), 219-234, 2020
Mathematical model and metaheuristics for simultaneous balancing and sequencing of a robotic mixed-model assembly line
Z Li, MN Janardhanan, Q Tang, P Nielsen
Engineering Optimization 50 (5), 877-893, 2018
Convex Decomposition for a Coverage Path Planning for Autonomous Vehicles: Interior Extension of Edges
LD Nielsen, I Sung, P Nielsen
Sensors 19 (19), 4165, 2019
Advanced planning and scheduling technology
K Steger-Jensen, HH Hvolby, P Nielsen, I Nielsen
Production Planning & Control 22 (8), 800-808, 2011
Zoning a Service Area of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Package Delivery Services
I Sung, P Nielsen
Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems 97 (3), 719-731, 2020
A constraint-driven approach to food supply chain management
P Sitek, J Wikarek, P Nielsen
Industrial Management & Data Systems 117 (9), 2115-2138, 2017
Model and migrating birds optimization algorithm for two-sided assembly line worker assignment and balancing problem
MN Janardhanan, Z Li, P Nielsen
Soft Computing 23 (21), 11263-11276, 2019
Optimizing supply chain waste management through the use of RFID technology
I Nielsen, M Lim, P Nielsen
2010 IEEE International Conference on RFID-Technology and Applications, 296-301, 2010
The impact of stochastic lead times on the bullwhip effect under correlated demand and moving average forecasts
Z Michna, SM Disney, P Nielsen
Omega, 2019
Scheduling of mobile robots with preemptive tasks
I Nielsen, QV Dang, P Nielsen, P Pawlewski
Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, 11th International …, 2014
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Articles 1–20