Dorota Hilszczańska
Dorota Hilszczańska
Forest Research Institute
Zweryfikowany adres z ibles.waw.pl
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
New Tuber species found in Poland
D Hilszczańska, Z Sierota, M Palenzona
Mycorrhiza 18, 223-226, 2008
Impact of chosen bare root nursery practices in Scots pine seedling quality and soil mites (Acari)
A Klimek, S Rolbiecki, R Rolbiecki, D Hilszczañska, P Malczyk
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 17 (2), 247, 2008
Changes in nitrogen level and mycorrhizal structure of Scots pine seedlings inoculated with Thelephora terrestris
D Hilszczańska, M Małecka, Z Sierota
Annals of Forest Science 65 (4), 1, 2008
The impact of effective microorganisms (EM) and organic and mineral fertilizers on the growth and mycorrhizal colonization of Fagus sylvatica and Quercus robur seedlings in a …
RM Bzdyk, J Olchowik, M Studnicki, T Oszako, K Sikora, H Szmidla, ...
Forests 9 (10), 597, 2018
Ectomycorrhizal colonisation in declining oak stands on the Krotoszyn Plateau, Poland
RM Bzdyk, J Olchowik, M Studnicki, JA Nowakowska, T Oszako, A Urban, ...
Forests 10 (1), 30, 2019
Identification of bacteria and fungi inhabiting fruiting bodies of Burgundy truffle (Tuber aestivum Vittad.)
U Perlińska-Lenart, S Piłsyk, E Gryz, J Turło, D Hilszczańska, ...
Archives of Microbiology 202, 2727-2738, 2020
Truffle renaissance in Poland–history, present and prospects
A Rosa-Gruszecka, D Hilszczańska, W Gil, B Kosel
Journal of ethnobiology and ethnomedicine 13, 1-11, 2017
Persistence of ectomycorrhizas by Telephora terrestris on outplanted Scots pine seedlings
D Hilszczanska, Z Sierota
Acta Mycologica 41 (2), 2006
Medicinal properties of macrofungi
D Hilszczańska
Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa (Forest Research Institute), 2012
Wplyw podlozy szkolkarskich na rozwoj mikoryz sosny Pinus sylvestris L.
D Hilszczanska
Sylwan 144 (04), 93-97, 2000
Insect-truffle interactions–potential threats to emerging industries?
A Rosa-Gruszecka, AC Gange, DJ Harvey, T Jaworski, J Hilszczański, ...
Fungal Ecology 25, 59-63, 2017
Characteristic of Tuber spp. localities in natural stands with emphasis on plant species composition
D Hilszczanska, A Rosa-Gruszecka, H Szmidla
Acta Mycologica 49 (2), 2014
Soil properties conducive to the formation of Tuber aestivum vitt. fruiting bodies
D Hilszczańska, H Szmidla, K Sikora, A Rosa-Gruszecka
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 28 (3), 1713-1718, 2019
Effects of Organic Fertilization and Mulching under Micro-Sprinkler Irrigation on Growth and Mycorrhizal Colonization of European Larch Seedlings, and Occurrence of Soil Mites.
A Klimek, S Rolbiecki, R Rolbiecki, D Hilszczańska, P Malczyk
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies 20 (5), 2011
Comparison of Chemical Composition in Tuber aestivum Vittad. of Different Geographical Origin
D Hilszczańska, M Siebyła, J Horak, M Król, P Podsadni, P Steckiewicz, ...
Chemistry & Biodiversity 13 (12), 1617-1629, 2016
First report of Tuber macrosporum occurrence in Poland
D Hilszczańska, A Rosa-Gruszecka, K Sikora, H Szmidla
Scientific Research and Essays 8 (23), 1096-1099, 2013
Research on truffles: Scientific journals analysis
M Gajos, D Hilszczańska
Sci. Res. Essays 8, 1837-1847, 2013
Wpływ inokulum mikoryzowego grzyba Thelephora terrestris na wzrost sadzonek sosny zwyczajnej Pinus sylvestris L. II. Badania polowe
D Hilszczańska, Z Sierota
Sylwan 150 (02), 20-28, 2006
Wpływ mikronawodnień i nawożenia organicznego na produkcję jednorocznych sadzonek sosny zwyczajnej (Pinus sylvestris L.) na gruncie porolnym obiektu Kruszyn Krajeński z …
R Rolbiecki, S Rolbiecki, A Klimek, D Hilszczanska
Infrastruktura i Ekologia Terenów Wiejskich, 2005
Rewitalizacja gleb w szkółkach leśnych
G Szołtyk, D Hilszczańska
Centrum Informacyjne Lasów Państwowych, 2003
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