Jaime Ortegon Aguilar
Jaime Ortegon Aguilar
Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Quintana Roo
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Cited by
Plant microbial fuel cells–based energy harvester system for self-powered IoT applications
E Osorio de la Rosa, J Vázquez Castillo, M Carmona Campos, ...
Sensors 19 (6), 1378, 2019
A high-accuracy photovoltaic emulator system using ARM processors
AC Atoche, JV Castillo, J Ortegon-Aguilar, R Carrasco-Alvarez, JS Gío, ...
Solar Energy 120, 389-398, 2015
Material phase classification by means of Support Vector Machines
J Ortegon, R Ledesma-Alonso, R Barbosa, JV Castillo, AC Atoche
Computational Materials Science 148, 336-342, 2018
Lie algebra approach for tracking and 3D motion estimation using monocular vision
E Bayro-Corrochano, J Ortegón-Aguilar
Image and Vision Computing 25 (6), 907-921, 2007
Electric arc furnace modeling with artificial neural networks and arc length with variable voltage gradient
R Garcia-Segura, J Vázquez Castillo, F Martell-Chavez, ...
Energies 10 (9), 1424, 2017
Prácticas de laboratorio para estudiantes de ingeniería con FPGA
A Castillo, J Vázquez, J Ortegón, C Rodríguez
IEEE Latin America Transactions 6 (2), 130-136, 2008
Multiscale relationship of electronic and ionic conduction efficiency in a PEMFC catalyst layer
R Barbosa, B Escobar, U Cano, J Ortegon, VM Sanchez
international journal of hydrogen energy 41 (42), 19399-19407, 2016
Virtual laboratory for digital image processing
A Castillo, J Ortegon, J Vazquez, J Rivera
IEEE Latin America Transactions 12 (6), 1176-1181, 2014
Effect of the image resolution on the statistical descriptors of heterogeneous media
R Ledesma-Alonso, R Barbosa, J Ortegón
Physical Review E 97 (2), 023304, 2018
Lie algebra template tracking
E Bayro-Corrochano, J Ortegon-Aguilar
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Pattern Recognition …, 2004
A fading channel simulator implementation based on GPU computing techniques
R Carrasco-Alvarez, J Vázquez Castillo, A Castillo Atoche, ...
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2015 (1), 237061, 2015
Omnidirectional vision tracking with particle filter
J Ortegon-Aguilar, E Bayro-Corrochano
18th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR'06) 3, 1115-1118, 2006
Effects of the size and cost reduction on a discounted payback period and levelized cost of energy of a zero-export photovoltaic system with green hydrogen storage
R Barbosa, B Escobar, VM Sánchez, J Ortegón
Heliyon 9 (6), 2023
FPGA-based hardware matrix inversion architecture using hybrid piecewise polynomial approximation systolic cells
J Vázquez-Castillo, A Castillo-Atoche, R Carrasco-Alvarez, ...
Electronics 9 (1), 182, 2020
Simulated annealing and finite volume method to study the microstructure isotropy effect on the effective transport coefficient of a 2D unidirectional composite
B Escobar, J Ortegon, A Rodriguez, G Oskam, C Pacheco, J Hernandez, ...
Materials today communications 24, 101343, 2020
Enhancement and edge-preserving denoising: An OpenCL-based approach for remote sensing imagery
JO Aguilar, AC Atoche, RC Alvarez, JV Castillo, I Villalón–Turrubiates, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2016
An improved hardware design for matrix inverse based on systolic array QR decomposition and piecewise polynomial approximation
LC Santos, AC Atoche, JV Castilloy, OL Gandaraz, RC Alvarez, ...
2015 International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs …, 2015
Lie algebra and system identification techniques for 3D rigid motion estimation and monocular tracking
J Ortegón-Aguilar, E Bayro-Corrochano
Journal of mathematical Imaging and Vision 25 (2), 173-185, 2006
An accurate UAV ground landing station system based on BLE-RSSI and maximum likelihood target position estimation
J Avilés-Viñas, R Carrasco-Alvarez, J Vázquez-Castillo, J Ortegón-Aguilar, ...
Applied Sciences 12 (13), 6618, 2022
Effect of an image resolution change on the effective transport coefficient of heterogeneous materials
A Rodriguez, R Barbosa, A Rios, J Ortegon, B Escobar, B Gayosso, ...
Materials 12 (22), 3757, 2019
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Articles 1–20