David Hoyos
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Cited by
The state of the art of environmental valuation with discrete choice experiments
D Hoyos
Ecological economics 69 (8), 1595-1603, 2010
Environmental valuation with discrete choice experiments: Guidance on design, implementation and data analysis
P Mariel, D Hoyos, J Meyerhoff, M Czajkowski, T Dekker, K Glenk, ...
Springer Nature, 2021
Contingent valuation: Past, present and future
D Hoyos, P Mariel
Prague economic papers 4 (2010), 329-343, 2010
The influence of cultural identity on the WTP to protect natural resources: Some empirical evidence
D Hoyos, P Mariel, J Fernández-Macho
Ecological Economics 68 (8-9), 2372-2381, 2009
Willingness to pay for ancillary benefits of climate change mitigation
A Longo, D Hoyos, A Markandya
Environmental and resource economics 51, 119-140, 2012
Incorporating environmental attitudes in discrete choice models: An exploration of the utility of the awareness of consequences scale
D Hoyos, P Mariel, S Hess
Science of the Total Environment 505, 1100-1111, 2015
Menos es más: del desarrollo sostenible al decrecimiento sostenible
R Bermejo, I Arto, D Hoyos, E Garmendia
Cuadernos de trabajo HEGOA, 2010
Evaluating the environmental performance of the high speed rail project in the Basque Country, Spain
G Bueno, D Hoyos, I Capellán-Pérez
Research in Transportation Economics 62, 44-56, 2017
Valuing a Natura 2000 network site to inform land use options using a discrete choice experiment: An illustration from the Basque Country
D Hoyos, P Mariel, U Pascual, I Etxano
Journal of Forest Economics 18 (4), 329-344, 2012
Selecting random parameters in discrete choice experiment for environmental valuation: a simulation experiment
P Mariel, A De Ayala, D Hoyos, S Abdullah
Journal of choice modelling 7, 44-57, 2013
Movilidad sostenible: de la teoría a la práctica
D Guillamón, D Hoyos
Manu Robles-Arangiz Institutua, 2005
Stated or inferred attribute non-attendance? A simulation approach
P Mariel, D Hoyos, J Meyerhoff
Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales-Agricultural and Resource Economics 13 …, 2013
Regional differences in the price elasticity of residential water demand in Spain
D Hoyos, A Artabe
Water resources management 31, 847-865, 2017
Environmental balance of the high speed rail network in Spain: A Life Cycle Assessment approach
A Kortazar, G Bueno, D Hoyos
Research in Transportation Economics 90, 101035, 2021
A participatory integrated assessment approach for Natura 2000 network sites
I Etxano, E Garmendia, U Pascual, D Hoyos, MÁ Díez, JA Cadiñanos, ...
Environment and planning C: Government and policy 33 (5), 1207-1232, 2015
Suitability of discrete choice experiments for landscape management under the European Landscape Convention
A de Ayala, D Hoyos, P Mariel
Journal of Forest Economics 21 (2), 79-96, 2015
Sustainable development in the brundtlant report and its distortion: implications for development economics and international cooperation
R Bermejo, I Arto, D Hoyos
Development cooperation: Facing the challenges of global change 13, 2010
Unraveling local preferences and willingness to pay for different management scenarios: A choice experiment to biosphere reserve management
N Castillo-Eguskitza, D Hoyos, M Onaindia, M Czajkowski
Land use policy 88, 104200, 2019
A multiple indicator solution approach to endogeneity in discrete-choice models for environmental valuation
P Mariel, D Hoyos, A Artabe, CA Guevara
Science of the Total Environment 633, 967-980, 2018
Convergent validity between revealed and stated recreation demand data: Some empirical evidence from the Basque Country, Spain
D Hoyos, P Riera
Journal of forest economics 19 (3), 234-248, 2013
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Articles 1–20