Elżbieta Jarzębowska
Elżbieta Jarzębowska
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Cited by
Model-based tracking control of nonlinear systems
E Jarzębowska
CRC Press, 2012
Advanced programmed motion tracking control of nonholonomic mechanical systems
EM Jarzebowska
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 24 (6), 1315-1328, 2008
On derivation of motion equations for systems with non-holonomic high-order program constraints
E Jarzebowska
Multibody System Dynamics 7, 307-329, 2002
Constrained mechanical systems modeling and control: A free-floating space manipulator case as a multi-constrained system
E Jarzębowska, K Pietrak
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 62 (10), 1353-1360, 2014
Quasi-coordinates based dynamics modeling and control design for nonholonomic systems
E Jarzębowska
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 71 (12), e118-e131, 2009
Control oriented dynamic formulation for robotic systems with program constraints
E Jarzȩbowska
Robotica 24 (1), 61-73, 2006
Dynamics modeling of nonholonomic mechanical systems: theory and applications
E Jarzębowska
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 63 (5-7), e185-e197, 2005
Analysis of influence of a crane flexible supports, link flexibility, and joint friction on vibration associated with programmed motion execution
E Jarzębowska, A Urbaś, K Augustynek
Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies 8, 337-350, 2020
On the positioning of a piezoelectric material in the energy harvesting from a nonideally excited portal frame
RT Rocha, AM Tusset, MA Ribeiro, WB Lenz, R Haura Junior, ...
Journal of computational and nonlinear dynamics 15 (12), 121002, 2020
Tracking control design for underactuated constrained systems
E Jarzębowska
Robotica 24 (5), 591-593, 2006
On nonlinear control of the Ishlinsky system as an example of a nonholonomic non-Chaplygin system
E Jarzebowska, NH McClamroch
Proceedings of the 2000 American Control Conference. ACC (IEEE Cat. No …, 2000
Stabilizability and motion tracking conditions for mechanical nonholonomic control systems
E Jarzębowska
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2007 (1), 031267, 2007
Modeling and control design using the Boltzmann-Hamel equations: a roller-racer example
E Jarzębowska, R Lewandowski
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 39 (15), 236-241, 2006
Sustainable innovation in a multi-university master course
B Gladysz, M Urgo, L Gaspari, G Pozzan, T Stock, C Haskins, ...
Procedia Manufacturing 21, 18-25, 2018
Computational reference dynamical model of a multibody system with first order constraints
E Jarzębowska, K Augustynek, A Urbaś
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2017
Quaternion-based constrained dynamics modeling of a space manipulator with flexible arms for servicing tasks
M Kłak, E Jarzębowska
Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies 9, 381-387, 2021
Model-based control strategies for systems with constraints of the program type
E Jarzębowska
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 11 (5), 606-623, 2006
Robot motion planning in the presence of program constraints
E Jarzębowska
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 36 (17), 117-122, 2003
Model reference tracking control for constrained robotic systems
E Jarzebowska
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control …, 2002
Automated generation of reference dynamical models for constrained robotic systems in the presence of friction and damping effects
E Jarzębowska, K Augustynek, A Urbaś
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 31 (22), e4452, 2019
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Articles 1–20