Even Ambros Holte
Even Ambros Holte
Research Scientist, SINTEF Ocean AS
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Analyse av lukka oppdrett a v laks-landbasert og i sjø. Produksjon, økonomi og risiko
T Bjørndal, EA Holte, Ø Hilmarsen, A Tusvik
b OC2018 A-033, 2018
The societal impacts of autonomous ships: the Norwegian perspective
ØJ Rødseth, DA Nesheim, A Rialland, EA Holte
Autonomous Vessels in Maritime Affairs: Law and Governance Implications, 357-376, 2023
Konsekvensanalyse av landbasert oppdrett av laks–matfisk og post-smolt
Ø Hilmarsen, EA Holte, H Brendeløkken, R Høyli, ES Hognes
SINTEF Ocean,(In Norwegian), 2018
Implementing integrated planning: organizational enablers and capabilities
LS Ramstad, K Halvorsen, EA Holte
Integrated Operations in the Oil and Gas Industry: Sustainability and …, 2013
Autonomous ships for coastal and short-sea shipping
V Gribkovskaia, H Borgen, EA Holte, E Lindstad, H Nordahl
SNAME Maritime Convention, D033S005R003, 2019
A framework for description of autonomous ship systems and operations
LAL Wennersberg, H Nordahl, ØJ Rødseth, K Fjørtoft, EA Holte
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 929 (1), 012004, 2020
Havteknologi. Potensialet for utvikling av tverrgående teknologier og teknologisk utstyr til bruk i marin, maritim og offshore sektorer
EA Holte, SA Sønvisen, IM Holmen
Tilgjengelig fra: http://www. forskningsradet. no/no/Nyheter …, 2016
Overvåking av Gytebestander av Laks og Sjøørret i Norge, 2019. NINA Rapport 1849, 226p. 2020
E Holte, H Skoglund, Ø Solem, Ø Kanstad-Hanssen, M Kambestad, ...
Norwegian with Abstract In Norwegian). Available online: https://brage. nina …, 0
New design solutions and procedures for ensuring meaningful human control and interaction with autonomy: automated ferries in profile
CA Thieme, MA Ramos, EA Holte, SO Johnsen, T Myklebust, Ø Smogeli
Autonomous Vessels in Maritime Affairs: Law and Governance Implications, 213-242, 2023
Benchmarking of green corridors—Version 2
I Ilves, EA Holte, C Georgopoulou, S Rönkkö, P Aditjandra, E Vanaale, ...
A SuperGreen project report 18, 2011, 2011
Hazards and Risks of Automated Passenger Ferry Operations in Norway
SO Johnsen, CA Thieme, T Myklebust, EA Holte, KE Fjørtoft, ØJ Rødseth
Human Factors in Robots, Drones and Unmanned Systems: Proceedings of the …, 2022
Fremtidsmuligheter i maritime næringer
B Kvamstad-Lervold, EA Holte, U Johansen
SINTEF Ocean, 2019
Analyse Av Lukka Oppdrett Av Laks–Landbasert Og I Sjø: Produksjon, Økonomi Og Risiko Sluttrapport Fhf Prosjekt 901442
T Bjørndal, EA Holte, Ø Hilmarsen, A Tusvik
NTNU-Ålesund, SINTEF OCEAN og SNF. Available at: landbasertlakseoppdrett …, 2018
Green corridors and their possible impact on the European supply chain
G Panagakos, HN Psaraftis, EA Holte
Handbook of Ocean Container Transport Logistics: Making Global Supply Chains …, 2015
Implementing operational envelopes for improved resilience of autonomous maritime transport
KE Fjørtoft, EA Holte
Human Factors in Transportation, 2022
Analysing the need for safety crew onboard autonomous passenger ships—a case study on urban passenger transport in Norwegian waters
EA Holte, LAL Wennersberg
Proceeding of the 33rd European Safety and Reliability Conference, 2869-2876, 2023
Smartere transport–Møre og Romsdal: L3. 1 Landbasert kontrollrom
LAL Wennersberg, EA Holte
SINTEF Ocean AS, 2022
Smartere transport–Møre og Romsdal: L2. 2 Valg av autonomitetsgrad for fartøykonsept
EA Holte, LAL Wennersberg
SINTEF Ocean AS, 2021
Safety at Sea: Improving Search and Rescue (SAR) Operations in the Barents Sea
TE Berg, EA Holte, GO Ose, H Færevik
International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering 55409 …, 2013
Smartere transport Møre og Romsdal L2. 1 Fartøyskonsept for autonom passasjertransport
H Borgen, EA Holte, A Pobitzer, V Gribkovskaia
SINTEF Ocean AS, 2022
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Articles 1–20