Ardavan Saeedi
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Cited by
Hierarchical deep reinforcement learning: Integrating temporal abstraction and intrinsic motivation
TD Kulkarni, K Narasimhan, A Saeedi, J Tenenbaum
Advances in neural information processing systems 29, 2016
The Prognostic Value of BRAF Mutation in Colorectal Cancer and Melanoma: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
G Safaee Ardekani, SM Jafarnejad, L Tan, A Saeedi, G Li
Public Library of Science 7 (10), e47054, 2012
Learning from noisy labels by regularized estimation of annotator confusion
R Tanno, A Saeedi, S Sankaranarayanan, DC Alexander, N Silberman
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2019
Deep successor reinforcement learning
TD Kulkarni, A Saeedi, S Gautam, SJ Gershman
arXiv preprint arXiv:1606.02396, 2016
Nonparametric spherical topic modeling with word embeddings
K Batmanghelich, A Saeedi, K Narasimhan, S Gershman
Proceedings of the conference. Association for computational linguistics …, 2016
Explaingan: Model explanation via decision boundary crossing transformations
P Samangouei, A Saeedi, L Nakagawa, N Silberman
Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 666-681, 2018
Variational particle approximations
A Saeedi, TD Kulkarni, VK Mansinghka, SJ Gershman
Journal of Machine Learning Research 18 (69), 1-29, 2017
Priors over recurrent continuous time processes
A Saeedi, A Bouchard-Côté
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 24, 2011
The segmented ihmm: A simple, efficient hierarchical infinite hmm
A Saeedi, M Hoffman, M Johnson, R Adams
International Conference on Machine Learning, 2682-2691, 2016
Generating multimodal image edits for a digital image
S DiVerdi, MD Hoffman, A Saeedi
US Patent 10,592,776, 2020
Methods and apparatuses for guiding collection of ultrasound data using motion and/or orientation data
T Gafner, I Lovchinsky, A Saeedi
US Patent App. 16/529,872, 2020
JUMP-Means: Small-variance asymptotics for Markov jump processes
J Huggins, K Narasimhan, A Saeedi, V Mansinghka
International Conference on Machine Learning, 693-701, 2015
Discrepancy ratio: evaluating model performance when even experts disagree on the truth
I Lovchinsky, A Daks, I Malkin, P Samangouei, A Saeedi, Y Liu, ...
International Conference on Learning Representations, 2019
Multimodal prediction and personalization of photo edits with deep generative models
A Saeedi, M Hoffman, S DiVerdi, A Ghandeharioun, M Johnson, R Adams
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, 1309-1317, 2018
Generative method to discover genetically driven image biomarkers
NK Batmanghelich, A Saeedi, M Cho, RSJ Estepar, P Golland
Information Processing in Medical Imaging: 24th International Conference …, 2015
Methods and apparatuses for guiding collection of ultrasound data using motion and/or orientation data
N Silberman, T Gafner, I Lovchinsky, A Saeedi
US Patent App. 16/529,860, 2020
Methods and apparatuses for guiding collection of ultrasound data using motion and/or orientation data
T Gafner, I Lovchinsky, A Saeedi
US Patent 10,893,850, 2021
Learning from noisy labels by regularized estimation of annotator confusion. In 2019 IEEE
R Tanno, A Saeedi, S Sankaranarayanan, DC Alexander, N Silberman
CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), 11236-11245, 2020
Knowledge distillation via constrained variational inference
A Saeedi, Y Utsumi, L Sun, K Batmanghelich, L Lehman
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 36 (7), 8132-8140, 2022
Automatic Inference for Inverting Software Simulators via Probabilistic Programming
A Saeedi, V Firoiu, V Mansinghka
arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.00308, 2015
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Articles 1–20