Peter Young
Peter Young
Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Colorado State University
Zweryfikowany adres z engr.colostate.edu
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Computational complexity of/spl mu/calculation
RP Braatz, PM Young, JC Doyle, M Morari
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 39 (5), 1000-1002, 1994
A formula for computation of the real stability radius
L Qiu, B Bernhardsson, A Rantzer, EJ Davison, JC Doyle
A tighter bound for the echo state property
M Buehner, P Young
IEEE transactions on neural networks 17 (3), 820-824, 2006
Computation of mu with real and complex uncertainties
PM Young, JC Doyle
29th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1230-1235, 1990
Robust control for microgrid frequency deviation reduction with attached storage system
Y Han, PM Young, A Jain, D Zimmerle
IEEE Transactions on smart grid 6 (2), 557-565, 2014
Mu analysis with real parametric uncertainty
PM Young, MP Newlin, JC Doyle
[1991] Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1251 …, 1991
Practical computation of the mixed μ problem
PM Young, MP Newlin, JC Doyle
1992 American Control Conference, 2190-2194, 1992
Computing bounds for the mixed μ problem
PM Young, MP Newlin, JC Doyle
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 5 (6), 573-590, 1995
MIMO robust control for HVAC systems
M Anderson, M Buehner, P Young, D Hittle, C Anderson, J Tu, D Hodgson
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 16 (3), 475-483, 2008
Robustness with parametric and dynamic uncertainty
PM Young
California Institute of Technology, 1993
Nonconservative Lagrangian mechanics: a generalized function approach
DW Dreisigmeyer, PM Young
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 36 (30), 8297, 2003
Mixed μ problems and branch and bound techniques
MP Newlin, PM Young
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 1997
Controller design with mixed uncertainties
PM Young
Proceedings of 1994 American Control Conference-ACC'94 2, 2333-2337, 1994
Robust reinforcement learning control with static and dynamic stability
RM Kretchmar, PM Young, CW Anderson, DC Hittle, ML Anderson, ...
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control: IFAC‐Affiliated …, 2001
Combined proportional plus integral (PI) and neural network (nN) controller
DC Hittle, C Anderson, PM Young, C Delnero, M Anderson
US Patent 7,117,045, 2006
Control design for variations in structural natural frequencies
GJ Balas, PM Young
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 18 (2), 325-332, 1995
Augmented cognition in human-system interaction.
D Schmorrow, KM Stanney, G Wilson, P Young
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2006
Properties of the mixed/spl mu/problem and its bounds
PM Young, JC Doyle
IEEE transactions on automatic control 41 (1), 155-159, 1996
Augmented cognition: An overview
KM Stanney, DD Schmorrow, M Johnston, S Fuchs, D Jones, KS Hale, ...
Reviews of human factors and ergonomics 5 (1), 195-224, 2009
Controller design with real parametric uncertainty
PM Young
International Journal of Control 65 (3), 469-509, 1996
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