Adjo  Amekudzi-Kennedy
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Cytowane przez
Addressing sustainability in transportation systems: definitions, indicators, and metrics
C Mihyeon Jeon, A Amekudzi
Journal of infrastructure systems 11 (1), 31-50, 2005
The state of the practice of value for money analysis in comparing public private partnerships to traditional procurements
D Morallos, A Amekudzi
Public Works Management & Policy 13 (2), 114-125, 2008
Sustainability assessment at the transportation planning level: Performance measures and indexes
CM Jeon, AA Amekudzi, RL Guensler
Transport policy 25, 10-21, 2013
Evaluating plan alternatives for transportation system sustainability: Atlanta metropolitan region
CM Jeon, AA Amekudzi, RL Guensler
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 4 (4), 227-247, 2010
Using the sustainability footprint model to assess development impacts of transportation systems
AA Amekudzi, CJ Khisty, M Khayesi
Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 43 (4), 339-348, 2009
Quality of life, sustainable civil infrastructure, and sustainable development: Strategically expanding choice
JM Fischer, A Amekudzi
Journal of urban planning and development 137 (1), 39-48, 2011
Transportation asset management systems and climate change: adaptive systems management approach
MD Meyer, A Amekudzi, JP O'Har
Transportation research record 2160 (1), 12-20, 2010
Performance measurement frameworks and development of effective sustainable transport strategies and indicators
YL Pei, AA Amekudzi, MD Meyer, EM Barrella, CL Ross
Transportation research record 2163 (1), 73-80, 2010
Value for money analysis in US transportation public–private partnerships
D Morallos, A Amekudzi, C Ross, M Meyer
Transportation Research Record 2115 (1), 27-36, 2009
Integrating brownfields redevelopment with transportation planning
A Amekudzi, I Fomunung
Journal of urban planning and development 130 (4), 204-212, 2004
Transportation system sustainability issues in high-, middle-, and low-income economies: Case studies from Georgia (US), South Korea, Colombia, and Ghana
C Mihyeon Jeon, AA Amekudzi, J Vanegas
Journal of urban planning and development 132 (3), 172-186, 2006
Considering the environment in transportation planning: Review of emerging paradigms and practice in the United States
A Amekudzi, MD Meyer
Journal of Urban Planning and Development 132 (1), 42-52, 2006
Kingdon’s multiple streams model and automobile dependence reversal path: the case of Curitiba, Brazil
M Khayesi, AA Amekudzi
Journal of Transport Geography 19 (6), 1547-1552, 2011
Infrastructure Rating Tool: Using Decision Support Tools to Enhance ASCE Infrastructure Report Card Process
AA Amekudzi, R Shelton, TR Bricker
Leadership and Management in Engineering 13 (2), 76-82, 2013
Reflections on Pandemics, Civil Infrastructure and Sustainable Development: Five Lessons from COVID-19 through the Lens of Transportation
A Amekudzi-Kennedy, S Labi, B Woodall, M Chester, P Singh
Preprints, 2020
Megaregions: Literature review of the implications for US infrastructure investment and transportation planning
CL Ross, J Barringer, J Yang
United States. Federal Highway Administration. Office of Planning, 2008
A perspective on the role of uncertainty in sustainability science and engineering
U Diwekar, A Amekudzi-Kennedy, B Bakshi, R Baumgartner, R Boumans, ...
Resources, Conservation and Recycling 164, 105140, 2021
Sustainability assessment at the transportation planning level: Performance measures and indexes
CM Jeon, AA Amekudzi, RL Guensler
Transportation Research Board 87th Annual MeetingTransportation Research Board, 2008
Transportation planning and infrastructure delivery in major cities and megacities
AA Amekudzi, L Thomas-Mobley, C Ross
Transportation Research Record 1997 (1), 17-23, 2007
Consideration of environmental factors in transportation systems planning
A Amekudzi
Transportation Research Board, 2005
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