Jacek Galas
Jacek Galas
dr fizyki, Instytut Optyki Stosowanej imienia prof. Maksymiliana Pluty
Zweryfikowany adres z inos.pl
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
An ellipsoidal mirror for focusing neutral atomic and molecular beams
K Fladischer, H Reingruber, T Reisinger, V Mayrhofer, WE Ernst, AE Ross, ...
New journal of Physics 12 (3), 033018, 2010
Measurements of the geometrical characteristics of the silicon wafer for helium microscope focusing mirror
D Litwin, J Galas, T Kozlowski, S Sitarek
Photonics Applications in Industry and Research IV 5948, 177-184, 2005
An optical profilometer for characterizing complex surfaces under high vacuum conditions
K Fladischer, D Litwin, J Galas, AE Weeks, DA MacLaren, R Lammegger, ...
Precision engineering 32 (3), 182-185, 2008
Accurate surface profilometry of ultrathin wafers
AE Weeks, D Litwin, J Galas, B Surma, B Piatkowski, DA MacLaren, ...
Semiconductor science and technology 22 (9), 997, 2007
X-ray studies of ultra-thin Si wafers for mirror application
J Sass, K Mazur, B Surma, F Eichhorn, D Litwin, J Galas, S Sitarek
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 2006
Interferometric and confocal techniques for testing of silicon wafers
J Galas, D Litwin, S Sitarek, B Surma, B Piatkowski, A Miros
Optical Micro-and Nanometrology in Microsystems Technology 6188, 84-91, 2006
Automated variable wavelength interferometry in reflected light mode
D Litwin, J Galas, N Blocki
Optical Micro-and Nanometrology in Microsystems Technology 6188, 112-119, 2006
Performance analysis of thermally bonded Er3+, Yb3+:glass/Co2+:MgAl2O4 microchip lasers
J Mlynczak, N Belghachem, K Kopczynski, J Kisielewski, R Stepien, ...
Optical and Quantum Electronics 48, 1-10, 2016
Temperature influence in confocal techniques for a silicon wafer testing
D Litwin, J Galas, S Sitarek, B Surma, B Piatkowski, A Miros
Optical Sensing Technology and Applications 6585, 247-254, 2007
Construction of an image recognition process on the basis of optical Fourier diffractometry: application to degraded bone structure classification
J Galas, M Daszkiewicz, A Sawicki, K Godwod, J Szawdyn
Optical Engineering 33 (4), 1106-1113, 1994
A fast variable wavelength interferometer
D Litwin, K Radziak, J Galas
Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High …, 2020
Fringe image analysis for variable wavelength interferometry
J Galas, S Sitarek, D Litwin, M Daszkiewicz
Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High …, 2017
Properties of Ceramics Derived from Direct Observations of Crack
Z Librant, M Boniecki, A Gładki, M Daszkiewicz, J Galas, W ReĆko
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences 47 (4), 365-377, 1999
Alternative approach to variable wavelength interferometry
D Litwin, K Radziak, J Galas
Photonics Letters of Poland 12 (4), 112-114, 2020
New approach for identifying the zero-order fringe in variable wavelength interferometry
J Galas, D Litwin, M Daszkiewicz
20th Slovak-Czech-Polish Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of …, 2016
Pulse laser head with monolithic thermally bonded microchip operating at 1.5 µm wavelength
J Młyńczak, K Kopczyński, N Belghachem, J Kisielewski, R Stępień, ...
Laser Technology 2016: Progress and Applications of Lasers 10159, 35-40, 2016
Profilometr laserowy do odtwarzania geometrii powierzchni
P Czajka, W Mizak, J Galas, A Czyżewski, M Kochanowski, D Litwin, ...
Przegląd Elektrotechniczny 8, 152-156, 2014
Machine learning technique for recognition of flotation froth images in a nonstable flotation process
J Galas, D Litwin
Minerals 12 (8), 1052, 2022
Overview of the measuring systems where a continuously altered light source plays a key role: Part II
D Litwin, K Radziak, J Galas, M Daszkiewicz, T Kozłowski, T Kryszczyński
Photonics Applications in Astronomy, Communications, Industry, and High …, 2019
Dedicated optical systems of the Institute of Applied Optics
D Litwin, J Galas, M Daszkiewicz, T Kryszczyński, A Czyżewski, ...
Photonics Letters of Poland 11 (2), 29-31, 2019
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