Bartosz Sawicki
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Cited by
Monte Carlo tree search: A review of recent modifications and applications
M Świechowski, K Godlewski, B Sawicki, J Mańdziuk
Artificial Intelligence Review 56 (3), 2497-2562, 2023
Magnetic fluid hyperthermia modeling based on phantom measurements and realistic breast model
A Miaskowski, B Sawicki
IEEE transactions on biomedical engineering 60 (7), 1806-1813, 2013
Simulation of magnetic stimulation of the brain
J Starzynski, B Sawicki, S Wincenciak, A Krawczyk, T Zyss
Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on 38 (2), 1237-1240, 2002
Efficient visualization of 3D models by web browser
B Sawicki, B Chaber
Computing 95 (Suppl 1), 661-673, 2013
Nonlinear higher-order transient solver for magnetic fluid hyperthermia
B Sawicki, A Miaskowski
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 270, 143-151, 2014
Single-domain nanoparticle magnetic power losses calibrated with calorimetric measurements
A Miaskowski, B Sawicki, M Subramanian
Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Technical Sciences 66 (4), 2018
The application of magnetic fluid hyperthermia to breast cancer treatment
A Miaskowski, B Sawicki, A Krawczyk, S Yamada
Electrical Review 86 (12), 99-101, 2010
The use of magnetic nanoparticles in low frequency inductive hyperthermia
A Miaskowski, B Sawicki, A Krawczyk
COMPEL-The international journal for computation and mathematics in …, 2012
Numerical model of magnetic stimulation with metal implants
B Sawicki, J Starzynski, S Wincenciak
Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on 42 (4), 783-786, 2006
3D mesh viewer using HTML5 technology
B Sawicki, B Chaber
Przeglad Elektrotechniczny (Electrical Review), ISSN, 0033-2097, 2012
A comparison of two models of electrodes for ECT simulations
R Szmurlo, B Sawicki, J Starzynski, S Wincenciak
Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on 42 (4), 1395-1398, 2006
Uncertainty of numerical simulations in bioelectromagnetic problems
B Sawicki
Przeglad Elektrotechniczny 91 (7), 49-51, 2015
Adaptive Mesh Refinement Techniques for 3-D Skin Electrode Modeling
B Sawicki, M Okoniewski
Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on 57 (3), 528-533, 2010
Bidomain formulation for modeling brain activity propagation
R Szmurlo, J Starzynski, B Sawicki, S Wincenciak, A Cichocki
2006 12th Biennial IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation, 348-348, 2006
Distributed evolutionary algorithm for optimization in electromagnetics
J Starzynski, R Szmurlo, J Kijanowski, B Dawidowicz, B Sawicki, ...
IEEE transactions on magnetics 42 (4), 1243-1246, 2006
Dwa przypadki ujawnienia się czynności napadowej EEG w przypadku zastosowania stymulacji magnetycznej mózgu z częstością 50 Hz
T Zyss, A Zięba, D Dudek, B Sawicki, A Krawczyk, J Starzyński, R Szmurło, ...
XVI Jubileuszowe Sympozjum Środowiskowe PTZE, Wisła 2006a, 237-240, 2006
CSG model of the human head for ECT simulation
J Starzyński, B Sawicki, A Krawczyk, T Zyss
Compel-The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in …, 2000
Massive simulations using mapreduce model
A Krupa, B Sawicki
Informatyka, Automatyka, Pomiary w Gospodarce i Ochronie Środowiska, 45--47, 2015
Modelling of eddy-currents using electric scalar potential
P Plonecki, J Starzynski, S Wincenciak, B Sawicki
VXV International Symposium on Theoretical Engineering, 1-5, 2009
Multiscale finite element model of the electrically active neural tissue
R Szmurlo, J Starzynski, B Sawicki, S Wincenciak
EUROCON 2007-The International Conference on" Computer as a Tool", 2343-2348, 2007
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Articles 1–20