Jing Jin
Jing Jin
Full Professor of East china of University of Science and Technology
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Frequency recognition in SSVEP-based BCI using multiset canonical correlation analysis
YU Zhang, G Zhou, J Jin, X Wang, A Cichocki
International journal of neural systems 24 (04), 1450013, 2014
Correlation-based channel selection and regularized feature optimization for MI-based BCI
J Jin, Y Miao, I Daly, C Zuo, D Hu, A Cichocki
Neural Networks 118, 262-270, 2019
Temporally constrained sparse group spatial patterns for motor imagery BCI
Y Zhang, CS Nam, G Zhou, J Jin, X Wang, A Cichocki
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 49 (9), 3322-3332, 2018
Optimizing spatial patterns with sparse filter bands for motor-imagery based brain–computer interface
Y Zhang, G Zhou, J Jin, X Wang, A Cichocki
Journal of neuroscience methods 255, 85-91, 2015
Sparse Bayesian classification of EEG for brain–computer interface
Y Zhang, G Zhou, J Jin, Q Zhao, X Wang, A Cichocki
IEEE transactions on neural networks and learning systems 27 (11), 2256-2267, 2015
L1-regularized multiway canonical correlation analysis for SSVEP-based BCI
Y Zhang, G Zhou, J Jin, M Wang, X Wang, A Cichocki
IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 21 (6 …, 2013
Multi-kernel extreme learning machine for EEG classification in brain-computer interfaces
Y Zhang, Y Wang, G Zhou, J Jin, B Wang, X Wang, A Cichocki
Expert Systems with Applications 96, 302-310, 2018
Internal Feature Selection Method of CSP Based on L1-Norm and Dempster-Shafer Theory
J Jin, R Xiao, I Daly, Y Miao, X Wang, A Cichocki
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2020
Sparse bayesian learning for obtaining sparsity of EEG frequency bands based feature vectors in motor imagery classification
Y Zhang, Y Wang, J Jin, X Wang
International Journal of Neural Systems 27 (2), 1650032, 2017
Sparse group representation model for motor imagery EEG classification
Y Jiao, Y Zhang, X Chen, E Yin, J Jin, X Wang, A Cichocki
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 23 (2), 631-641, 2018
Multiway canonical correlation analysis for frequency components recognition in SSVEP-based BCIs
Y Zhang, G Zhou, Q Zhao, A Onishi, J Jin, X Wang, A Cichocki
International Conference on Neural Information Processing, 287-295, 2011
An adaptive P300-based control system
J Jin, BZ Allison, EW Sellers, C Brunner, P Horki, X Wang, C Neuper
Journal of neural engineering 8 (3), 036006, 2011
A novel BCI based on ERP components sensitive to configural processing of human faces
Y Zhang, Q Zhao, J Jin, X Wang, A Cichocki
Journal of neural engineering 9 (2), 026018, 2012
Discriminative feature extraction via multivariate linear regression for SSVEP-based BCI
H Wang, Y Zhang, NR Waytowich, DJ Krusienski, G Zhou, J Jin, X Wang, ...
IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 24 (5 …, 2016
Spatial-temporal discriminant analysis for ERP-based brain-computer interface
Y Zhang, G Zhou, Q Zhao, J Jin, X Wang, A Cichocki
IEEE Transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 21 (2 …, 2013
A new hybrid BCI paradigm based on P300 and SSVEP
M Wang, I Daly, BZ Allison, J Jin, Y Zhang, L Chen, X Wang
Journal of neuroscience methods 244, 16-25, 2015
The changing face of P300 BCIs: a comparison of stimulus changes in a P300 BCI involving faces, emotion, and movement
J Jin, BZ Allison, T Kaufmann, A Kübler, Y Zhang, X Wang, A Cichocki
PloS one 7 (11), 2012
Improved SFFS method for channel selection in motor imagery based BCI
Z Qiu, J Jin, HK Lam, Y Zhang, X Wang, A Cichocki
Neurocomputing 207, 519-527, 2016
A P300 brain–computer interface based on a modification of the mismatch negativity paradigm
J Jin, EW Sellers, S Zhou, Y Zhang, X Wang, A Cichocki
International journal of neural systems 25 (03), 1550011, 2015
Towards correlation-based time window selection method for motor imagery BCIs
J Feng, E Yin, J Jin, R Saab, I Daly, X Wang, D Hu, A Cichocki
Neural Networks 102, 87-95, 2018
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Articles 1–20