Steven Carr
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
The Habitable Exoplanet Observatory (HabEx) mission concept study final report
BS Gaudi, S Seager, B Mennesson, A Kiessling, K Warfield, K Cahoy, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.06683, 2020
Safe reinforcement learning via shielding under partial observability
S Carr, N Jansen, S Junges, U Topcu
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 37 (12), 14748 …, 2023
Counterexample-guided strategy improvement for pomdps using recurrent neural networks
S Carr, N Jansen, R Wimmer, AC Serban, B Becker, U Topcu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.08428, 2019
Verifiable RNN-based policies for POMDPs under temporal logic constraints
S Carr, N Jansen, U Topcu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.05615, 2020
Decentralized control synthesis for air traffic management in urban air mobility
S Bharadwaj, S Carr, N Neogi, U Topcu
IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 8 (2), 598-608, 2021
Diabetes Insulin Guidance System: a real‐world evaluation of new technology (d‐Nav) to achieve glycaemic control in insulin‐treated type 2 diabetes
R Donnelly, S Carr, R Harper
Practical Diabetes 32 (7), 247-252a, 2015
A survey of eVTOL aircraft and AAM operation hazards
EL Thompson, AG Taye, W Guo, P Wei, M Quinones, I Ahmed, G Biswas, ...
AIAA AVIATION 2022 Forum, 3539, 2022
Task-aware verifiable RNN-based policies for partially observable Markov decision processes
S Carr, N Jansen, U Topcu
Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research 72, 819-847, 2021
Dynamic certification for autonomous systems
G Bakirtzis, S Carr, D Danks, U Topcu
Communications of the ACM 66 (9), 64-72, 2023
The habitable exoplanet observatory (HabEx) mission concept study final report. arXiv e-prints
BS Gaudi, S Seager, B Mennesson, A Kiessling, K Warfield, K Cahoy, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2001.06683, 2020
Traffic management for urban air mobility
S Bharadwaj, S Carr, N Neogi, H Poonawala, AB Chueca, U Topcu
NASA Formal Methods: 11th International Symposium, NFM 2019, Houston, TX …, 2019
Control-oriented learning on the fly
M Ornik, S Carr, A Israel, U Topcu
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 65 (11), 4800-4807, 2019
Human-in-the-loop synthesis for partially observable Markov decision processes
S Carr, N Jansen, R Wimmer, J Fu, U Topcu
2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC), 762-769, 2018
Byzantine-resilient distributed hypothesis testing with time-varying network topology
B Wu, S Carr, S Bharadwaj, Z Xu, U Topcu
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 67 (7), 3243-3258, 2021
Safe policies for factored partially observable stochastic games
S Carr, N Jansen, S Bharadwaj, M Spaan, U Topcu
Resilient distributed hypothesis testing with time-varying network topology
B Wu, S Carr, S Bharadwaj, Z Xu, U Topcu
2020 American Control Conference (ACC), 1483-1488, 2020
Formal Methods for Autonomous Systems
T Wongpiromsarn, M Ghasemi, M Cubuktepe, G Bakirtzis, S Carr, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.01258, 2023
Myopic control of systems with unknown dynamics
M Ornik, S Carr, A Israel, U Topcu
2019 American Control Conference (ACC), 1064-1071, 2019
The Hollywood question: America and the belief in Jewish control over motion pictures before 1941
SA Carr
The University of Texas at Austin, 1994
Fine-tuning language models using formal methods feedback
Y Yang, NP Bhatt, T Ingebrand, W Ward, S Carr, Z Wang, U Topcu
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.18239, 2023
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