Mariusz Grecki
Mariusz Grecki
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Cited by
Operation of a free-electron laser from the extreme ultraviolet to the water window
W Ackermann, G Asova, V Ayvazyan, A Azima, N Baboi, J Bähr, ...
Nature photonics 1 (6), 336-342, 2007
A MHz-repetition-rate hard X-ray free-electron laser driven by a superconducting linear accelerator
W Decking, S Abeghyan, P Abramian, A Abramsky, A Aguirre, C Albrecht, ...
Nature photonics 14 (6), 391-397, 2020
Simultaneous operation of two soft x-ray free-electron lasers driven by one linear accelerator
B Faatz, E Plönjes, S Ackermann, A Agababyan, V Asgekar, V Ayvazyan, ...
New Journal of physics 18 (6), 062002, 2016
The european XFEL LLRF system
J Branlard, G Ayvazyan, V Ayvazyan, M Grecki, M Hoffmann, T Jezynski, ...
IPAC 12, 55-57, 2012
Low latency control board (SIMCON 3.1.)
W Giergusiewicz, W Jalmuzna, K Pozniak, N Ignashin, M Grecki, ...
Photonics Applications in Industry and Research IV 5948, 710-715, 2005
MTCA. 4 LLRF system for the European XFEL
J Branlard, G Ayvazyan, V Ayvazyan, M Grecki, M Hoffmann, T Je¿yñski, ...
Proceedings of the 20th international conference mixed design of integrated …, 2013
Estimation of iq vector components of rf field-theory and implementation
M Grecki, T Jezynski, A Brandt
12th Int. Conf. Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, MIXDES, 783-788, 2005
Recent developments of the European XFEL LLRF system
T Jezynski, F Ludwig, U Mavric, S Pfeiffer, H Schlarb, H Weddig, B Yang, ...
Considerations for the choice of the intermediate frequency and sampling rate for digital RF control
S Simrock, M Hoffmann, F Ludwig, MK Grecki, T Jezynski
EPAC2006, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1462-1464, 2006
A distributed system for radiation monitoring at linear accelerators
D Makowski, M Grecki, A Napieralski, S Simrock, B Mukherjee
IEEE transactions on nuclear science 53 (4), 2008-2015, 2006
Conceptual LLRF design for the European XFEL
SN Simrock, V Ayvazyan, A Brandt, M Hüning, W Koprek, F Ludwig, ...
Proceedings of LINAC, 2006
Application of computer-based thermography to thermal measurements of integrated circuits and power devices
M Grecki, J Pacholik, B Wiecek, A Napieralski
Microelectronics journal 28 (3), 337-347, 1997
Universal controller for digital RF control
S Simrock, W Cichalewski, M Grecki, G Jablonski, W Jalmuzna
8th European Particle Accelerator Conference EPAC, 1459-1461, 2006
Compensation of Lorentz force detuning for SC linacs (with piezo tuners)
LLRF tests of XFEL cryomodules at AMTF: First experimental results
J Branlard, V Ayvazyan, M Grecki, H Schlarb, C Schmidt, W Cichalewski, ...
Proc. SRF, 1126-1128, 2013
LLRF control system upgrade at FLASH
V Ayvazyan, K Czuba, Z Geng, M Grecki, O Hensler, M Hoffmann, ...
Proceedings of PCaPAC, 150-152, 2010
Operation of the FLASH Linac with long bunch trains and high average current
N Walker, V Ayvazyan, L Froehlich, M Grecki, S Schreiber, J Carwardine, ...
Proc. PAC 9, 2766, 2009
European XFEL RF gun commissioning and LLRF linac installation
J Branlard, G Ayvazyan, V Ayvazyan, L Butkowski, M Grecki, M Hoffmann, ...
IPAC, Dresden, Germany, 2014
Evaluation of an ATCA based LLRF system at FLASH
S Simrock, L Butkowski, M Grecki, T Jezynski, W Koprek, G Jablonski, ...
2009 MIXDES-16th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated …, 2009
The application of a SRAM chip as a novel neutron detector
D Makowski, M Grecki, B Mukherjee, S Simrock, B Swiercz, A Napieralski
Journal of Experimental Nanoscience 1 (2), 261-268, 2006
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Articles 1–20