Kevin Twedt
Kevin Twedt
Science Systems and Applications Inc. / NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Zweryfikowany adres z nasa.gov
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Bright focused ion beam sources based on laser-cooled atoms
JJ McClelland, AV Steele, B Knuffman, KA Twedt, A Schwarzkopf, ...
Applied physics reviews 3 (1), 2016
MODIS reflective solar bands on-orbit calibration and performance
X Xiong, A Angal, KA Twedt, H Chen, D Link, X Geng, E Aldoretta, Q Mu
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 57 (9), 6355-6371, 2019
Updates of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer on-orbit calibration uncertainty assessments
X Xiong, A Angal, WL Barnes, H Chen, V Chiang, X Geng, Y Li, K Twedt, ...
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 12 (3), 034001-034001, 2018
MODIS and VIIRS calibration and characterization in support of producing long-term high-quality data products
X Xiong, A Angal, T Chang, K Chiang, N Lei, Y Li, J Sun, K Twedt, A Wu
Remote Sensing 12 (19), 3167, 2020
Scanning ion microscopy with low energy lithium ions
KA Twedt, L Chen, JJ McClelland
Ultramicroscopy 142, 24-31, 2014
Electronic detection of collective modes of an ultracold plasma
KA Twedt, SL Rolston
Physical Review Letters 108 (6), 065003, 2012
Multiscale metrologies for process optimization of carbon nanotube polymer composites
B Natarajan, ND Orloff, R Ashkar, S Doshi, K Twedt, A Krishnamurthy, ...
Carbon 108, 381-393, 2016
On-orbit calibration of Terra MODIS VIS bands using polarization-corrected desert observations
A Angal, X Geng, X Xiong, KA Twedt, A Wu, DO Link, E Aldoretta
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 58 (8), 5428-5439, 2020
Giant surface conductivity enhancement in a carbon nanotube composite by ultraviolet light exposure
CJ Long, ND Orloff, KA Twedt, T Lam, F Vargas-Lara, M Zhao, ...
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 8 (35), 23230-23235, 2016
Imaging nanophotonic modes of microresonators using a focused ion beam
KA Twedt, J Zou, M Davanco, K Srinivasan, JJ McClelland, VA Aksyuk
Nature photonics 10 (1), 35-39, 2016
Electron evaporation from an ultracold plasma in a uniform electric field
KA Twedt, SL Rolston
Physics of Plasmas 17 (8), 2010
On-orbit characterization of the MODIS SDSM screen for solar diffuser degradation estimation
H Chen, X Xiong, A Angal, KA Twedt
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 55 (11), 6456-6467, 2017
Performance assessments and comparisons of S-NPP and NOAA-20 (JPSS-1) VIIRS on-orbit calibration
X Xiong, A Angal, J Butler, H Chen, K Chiang, N Lei, Y Li, K Twedt
Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites XXII 10785, 192-204, 2018
MODIS reflective solar bands calibration improvements for Collection 7
K Twedt, E Aldoretta, A Angal, H Chen, X Geng, Y Li, Q Mu, K Vermeesch, ...
Sensors, Systems, and Next-Generation Satellites XXV 11858, 163-181, 2021
Terra MODIS: 20 years of on-orbit calibration and performance
X Xiong, E Aldoretta, A Angal, T Chang, X Geng, D Link, V Salomonson, ...
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 14 (3), 037501-037501, 2020
SNPP VIIRS RSB earth view reflectance uncertainty
N Lei, K Twedt, J McIntire, X Xiong
2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS …, 2017
Cure temperature influences composite electrical properties by carbon nanotube-rich domain formation
CS Davis, ND Orloff, JW Woodcock, CJ Long, KA Twedt, B Natarajan, ...
Composites Science and Technology 133, 23-32, 2016
SNPP VIIRS RSB on-orbit radiometric calibration algorithms Version 2.0 and the performances, part 1: the algorithms
N Lei, X Xiong, Z Wang, S Li, K Twedt
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 14 (4), 047501-047501, 2020
MODIS solar diffuser degradation at short-wave infrared band wavelengths
KA Twedt, A Angal, X Xiong, X Geng, H Chen
Earth Observing Systems XXII 10402, 781-788, 2017
Stray-light correction and prediction for Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership visible infrared imaging radiometer suite day-night band
H Chen, X Xiong, X Geng, K Twedt
Journal of Applied Remote Sensing 13 (2), 024521-024521, 2019
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