Stefan Hartmann
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Wortbildungswandel: eine diachrone Studie zu deutschen Nominalisierungsmustern
S Hartmann
Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2016
Constructionist approaches: Past, present, future
T Ungerer, S Hartmann
Cambridge University Press, 2023
Entrenchment and productivity: The role of input in the code-mixing of a German-English bilingual child
AE Quick, S Hartmann, A Backus, E Lieven
Applied Linguistics Review 12 (2), 225-247, 2021
Deutsche Sprachgeschichte: Grundzüge und Methoden
S Hartmann
UTB, 2018
The usage and spread of sentence-internal capitalization in Early New High German: A multifactorial approach
F Barteld, S Hartmann, R Szczepaniak
Folia Linguistica 50 (2), 385-412, 2016
Usage context influences the evolution of overspecification in iterated learning
P Tinits, J Nölle, S Hartmann
Journal of Language Evolution 2 (2), 148-159, 2017
Constructing a consensus on language evolution? Convergences and differences between biolinguistic and usage-based approaches
M Pleyer, S Hartmann
Frontiers in Psychology, 2537, 2019
Derivational morphology in flux: a case study of word-formation change in German
S Hartmann
Cognitive Linguistics 29 (1), 77-119, 2018
Usage-based perspectives on diachronic morphology: A mixed-methods approach towards English ing-nominals
L Fonteyn, S Hartmann
Linguistics Vanguard 2 (1), 2016
Language in language evolution research: In defense of a pluralistic view
S Wacewicz, P Zywiczynski, S Hartmann, M Pleyer, A Benítez-Burraco
Biolinguistics 14, 59-101, 2020
The diachronic change of German nominalization patterns: An increase in prototypicality
S Hartmann
Selected Papers from the 4th UK Cognitive Linguistics Conference. Lancaster …, 2014
Delineating extravagance: Assessing speakers’ perceptions of imaginative constructional patterns
T Ungerer, S Hartmann
Belgian Journal of Linguistics 34 (1), 345-356, 2020
Language evolution research in the year 2020: A survey of new directions
J Nölle, S Hartmann, P Tinits
Language Dynamics and Change 10 (1), 3-26, 2020
Interaction and iconicity in the evolution of language: Introduction to the special issue
M Pleyer, S Hartmann, J Winters, J Zlatev
Interaction Studies 18 (3), 303-313, 2017
Compositionality in Different Modalities: A View from Usage-Based Linguistics
M Pleyer, R Lepic, S Hartmann
International Journal of Primatology, 1-33, 2022
Compound worlds and metaphor landscapes: Affixoids, allostructions, and higher-order generalizations
S Hartmann
Word Structure 12 (3), 297-333, 2019
Constructing a schema: Word-class changing morphology in a usage-based perspective
S Hartmann
Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association 2 (1), 235, 2014
Constructing a protolanguage: reconstructing prehistoric languages in a usage-based construction grammar framework
S Hartmann, M Pleyer
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 376 (1824), 20200200, 2021
Attack of the snowclones: A corpus-based analysis of extravagant formulaic patterns
S Hartmann, T Ungerer
Journal of Linguistics, 1-36, 2023
The English privative prefixes near-, pseudo-and quasi-: Approximation and ‘disproximation’
B Cappelle, R Daugs, S Hartmann
Zeitschrift für Wortbildung/Journal of Word Formation 7 (1), 52-75, 2023
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Articles 1–20