Interval analysis of dynamic response of structures using Laplace transform Y Yang, Z Cai, Y Liu Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 29, 32-39, 2012 | 30 | 2012 |
Determination of fracture energy of ultra high strength concrete S Teng, Y Liu, TYD Lim Engineering Fracture Mechanics 131, 602-615, 2014 | 24 | 2014 |
Interval analysis of frequency response functions of structures with uncertain parameters Y Yaowen, C Zhenhan, L Yu Mechanics research communications 47, 24-31, 2013 | 24 | 2013 |
Damage model based reinforced-concrete element CK Soh, Y Liu, YX Dong, XZ Lu Journal of materials in civil engineering 15 (4), 371-380, 2003 | 21 | 2003 |
Nonlinear analysis of reinforced concrete slabs using nonlayered shell element Y Liu, S Teng Journal of structural engineering 134 (7), 1092-1100, 2008 | 16 | 2008 |
Shear correction for Mindlin type plate and shell elements Y Liu, CK Soh International journal for numerical methods in engineering 69 (13), 2789-2806, 2007 | 16 | 2007 |
Monitoring fatigue crack growth in narrow structural components using lamb wave technique SI Lim, L Cui, Y Liu, CK Soh Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and …, 2011 | 12 | 2011 |
A displacement equivalence-based damage model for brittle materials—part I: theory CK Soh, Y Liu, Y Yang, Y Dong J. Appl. Mech. 70 (5), 681-687, 2003 | 12 | 2003 |
Macro-fiber composite–based structural health monitoring system for axial cracks in cylindrical structures L Cui, Y Liu, CK Soh Journal of intelligent material systems and structures 25 (3), 332-341, 2014 | 11 | 2014 |
Comparative study of electromechanical impedance and Lamb wave techniques for fatigue crack detection and monitoring in metallic structures SI Lim, Y Liu, CK Soh Sensors and Smart Structures Technologies for Civil, Mechanical, and …, 2012 | 10 | 2012 |
Analysis of concrete slabs using shell element with assumed strain S Teng, Y Liu, CK Soh ACI structural journal 102 (4), 515, 2005 | 10 | 2005 |
Identification of crack size and orientation in continuous cylindrical structure using macro-fiber composite L Cui, Y Liu, CK Soh Journal of intelligent material systems and structures 25 (5), 596-605, 2014 | 7 | 2014 |
Three-dimensional damage model for concrete. II: Verification Y Liu, S Teng, CK Soh Journal of engineering mechanics 134 (1), 82-89, 2008 | 6 | 2008 |
Three-dimensional damage model for concrete. I: Theory Y Liu, S Teng, CK Soh Journal of engineering mechanics 134 (1), 72-81, 2008 | 5 | 2008 |
A Displacement Equivalence-Based Damage Model for Brittle Materials—Part II: Verification Y Liu, CK Soh, Y Dong, Y Yang J. Appl. Mech. 70 (5), 688-695, 2003 | 5 | 2003 |
Detection and monitoring of axial cracks on cylindrical structures using torsional wave generated by piezoelectric macro-fiber composite L Cui, SI Lim, M Shi, Y Liu, CK Soh Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2012 8348, 742-753, 2012 | 4 | 2012 |
Health monitoring of cylindrical structures using torsional wave generated by piezoelectric macro-fiber composite L Cui, Y Liu, CK Soh Health Monitoring of Structural and Biological Systems 2011 7984, 141-149, 2011 | 4 | 2011 |
A micromechanical model for concrete under static loading S Teng, Q Li, Y Liu Magazine of concrete research 66 (18), 913-924, 2014 | 3 | 2014 |
Dynamic response of structures with uncertain parameters ZH Cai, YW Yang, Y Liu IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 10 (1), 012185, 2010 | 2 | 2010 |