Kazimierz P. Jedrzejewski
Kazimierz P. Jedrzejewski
Zweryfikowany adres z ise.pw.edu.pl
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Yb3+ sensitised Er3+ doped silica optical fibre with ultra high transfer efficiency and gain
JE Townsend, WL Barnes, SG Crubb
MRS Online Proceedings Library (OPL) 244, 143, 1991
Quantum-efficiency of praseodymium doped Ga: La: S glass for 1.3/spl mu/m optical fibre amplifiers
DW Hewak, JAM Neto, B Samson, RS Brown, KP Jedrzejewski, J Wang, ...
IEEE photonics technology letters 6 (5), 609-612, 1994
Tapered-beam expander for single-mode optical-fibre gap devices
KP Jedrzejewski, F Martinez, JD Minelly, CD Hussey, FP Payne
Electronics Letters 22 (2), 105-106, 1986
Spectral characteristics of tapered LPG device as a sensing element for refractive index and temperature
T Allsop, F Floreani, KP Jedrzejewski, PVS Marques, R Romero, DJ Webb, ...
Journal of lightwave technology 24 (2), 870, 2006
Simultaneous measurement of liquid level and temperature using tilted fiber Bragg grating
T Osuch, T Jurek, K Markowski, K Jedrzejewski
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (5), 1205-1209, 2015
Short-pulse, high-power Q-switched fiber laser
PR Morkel, KP Jedrzejewski, ER Taylor, DN Payne
IEEE photonics technology letters 4 (6), 545-547, 1992
+ 21 dBm erbium power amplifier pumped by a diode-pumped Nd: YAG laser
SG Grubb, WF Humer, RS Cannon, TH Windhorn, SW Vendetta, ...
IEEE photonics technology letters 4 (6), 553-555, 1992
Biconical fused taper: A universal fibre devices technology
K Jędrzejewski
Opto-electronics review 8 (2), 153-159, 2000
Refractive index sensing with long-period grating fabricated in biconical tapered fibre
T Allsop, F Floreani, K Jedrzejewski, P Marques, R Romero, D Webb, ...
Electronics letters 41 (8), 1, 2005
High-gain fiber power amplifier tandem-pumped by a 3-W multistripe diode
JD Minelly, RI Laming, JE Townsend, WL Barnes, ER Taylor, ...
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, TuG2, 1992
Er3+ and Yb3+ doped active media for ‘eye safe’laser systems
Z Mierczyk, M Kwaśny, K Kopczyński, A Gietka, T Łukasiewicz, Z Frukacz, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 300, 398-406, 2000
Q-switched neodymium-doped phosphate glass fiber lasers
PR Morkel, KP Jedrzejewski, ER Taylor
IEEE journal of quantum electronics 29 (7), 2178-2188, 1993
Fiber-optic strain sensors based on linearly chirped tapered fiber Bragg gratings with tailored intrinsic chirp
T Osuch, K Markowski, K Jędrzejewski
IEEE Sensors Journal 16 (20), 7508-7514, 2016
Laser-diode-pumped neodymium-doped fiber laser with output power> 1W
JD Minelly, ER Taylor, KP Jedrzejewski, J Wang, DN Payne
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CWE6, 1992
Comparison of Bragg and polarimetric optical fiber sensors for stress monitoring in composite materials
A Domanski, P Lesiak, K Milenko, D Budaszewski, M Chychlowski, ...
Acta Physica Polonica A 116 (3), 294-297, 2009
Properties of home-made MCVD, PCS and DC/TC optical fibres in radiation environments
RS Romaniuk, K Jedrzejeski, P Panta
Optical Fibers in Adverse Environments 404, 96-101, 1984
Nd3+ doped singlemode fibre superfluorescent source with 320 mW output power
JD Minelly, PR Morkel, KP Jedrzejewski, ER Taylor, J Wang, DN Payne
Electronics Letters 29 (18), 1613-1614, 1993
Optimal design of optical fibers for electric current measurement
HO Edwards, KP Jedrzejewski, RI Laming, DN Payne
Applied optics 28 (11), 1977-1979, 1989
Temperature independent tapered fiber Bragg grating-based inclinometer
T Osuch, K Markowski, K Jedrzejewski
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 27 (21), 2312-2315, 2015
Numerical analysis of double chirp effect in tapered and linearly chirped fiber Bragg gratings
K Markowski, K Jedrzejewski, T Osuch
Applied Optics 55 (17), 4505-4513, 2016
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