Margrethe Aanesen
Margrethe Aanesen
Associate Professor at UiT Arctic University of Norway
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Global ecological, social and economic impacts of marine plastic
NJ Beaumont, M Aanesen, MC Austen, T Börger, JR Clark, M Cole, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 142, 189-195, 2019
The value of familiarity: effects of knowledge and objective signals on willingness to pay for a public good
J LaRiviere, M Czajkowski, N Hanley, M Aanesen, J Falk-Petersen, ...
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 68 (2), 376-389, 2014
Willingness to pay for unfamiliar public goods: preserving cold-water coral in Norway
M Aanesen, C Armstrong, M Czajkowski, J Falk-Petersen, N Hanley, ...
Ecological Economics 112, 53-67, 2015
Valuation of marine plastic pollution in the European Arctic: Applying an integrated choice and latent variable model to contingent valuation
TG Abate, T Börger, M Aanesen, J Falk-Andersson, KJ Wyles, ...
Ecological Economics 169, 106521, 2020
What does stakeholder involvement mean for fisheries management?
M Aanesen, CW Armstrong, HJ Bloomfield, C Röckmann
Ecology and Society 19 (4), 2014
Valuing coastal recreation and the visual intrusion from commercial activities in Arctic Norway
M Aanesen, J Falk-Andersson, GK Vondolia, T Borch, S Navrud, D Tinch
Ocean & Coastal Management 153, 157-167, 2018
Smarter elder care? A cost-effectiveness analysis of implementing technology in elder care
M Aanesen, AT Lotherington, F Olsen
Health Informatics Journal 17 (3), 161-172, 2011
Valuing unfamiliar and complex environmental goods: A comparison of valuation workshops and internet panel surveys with videos
ED Sandorf, M Aanesen, S Navrud
Ecological Economics 129, 50-61, 2016
Demographic and economic disparities among Arctic regions
JI Schmidt, M Aanesen, KB Klokov, S Khrutschev, VH Hausner
Polar Geography 38 (4), 251-270, 2015
MEFEPO: Making the European Fisheries Ecosystem Plan Operational: North Sea Atlas
OAL Paramor, KA Allen, M Aanesen, C Armstrong, TJ Hegland, ...
University of Liverpool, 2009
Cost-benefit analysis of aquaculture expansion in Arctic Norway
M Aanesen, E Mikkelsen
Aquaculture Economics & Management 24 (1), 20-42, 2020
Use and non-use values in an applied bioeconomic model of fisheries and habitat connections
CW Armstrong, V Kahui, GK Vondolia, M Aanesen, M Czajkowski
Marine Resource Economics 32 (4), 351-369, 2017
Balancing conservation goals and ecotourism development in coastal wetland management in Sri Lanka: A choice experiment
SN Dushani, M Aanesen, GK Vondolia
Ocean & Coastal Management 210, 105659, 2021
Trade-offs in the transition to a blue economy-Mapping social acceptance of aquaculture expansion in Norway
M Aanesen, M Czajkowski, H Lindhjem, S Navrud
Science of The Total Environment 859, 160199, 2023
Informing management strategies for a reserve: Results from a discrete choice experiment survey
BB Xuan, ED Sandorf, M Aanesen
Ocean & Coastal Management 145, 35-43, 2017
The changing environment of fisheries policy in Europe
M Aanesen, CW Armstrong, L van Hoof
Marine Policy 36 (5), 1172-1177, 2012
Willingness to pay for mangrove restoration to reduce the climate change impacts on ecotourism in Rekawa coastal wetland, Sri Lanka
S Nesha Dushani, M Aanesen, CW Armstrong
Journal of Environmental Economics and Policy 12 (1), 19-32, 2023
Willingness to pay to protect cold water corals
CW Armstrong, M Aanesen, TM van Rensburg, ED Sandorf
Conservation Biology 33 (6), 1329-1337, 2019
Is the catch quota management (CQM) mechanism attractive to fishers? A preliminary analysis of the Danish 2011 CQM trial project
MR Msomphora, M Aanesen
Marine policy 58, 78-87, 2015
Payment and policy consequentiality in dichotomous choice contingent valuation: Experimental design effects on self-reported perceptions
T Börger, TG Abate, M Aanesen, E Zawojska
Land Economics 97 (2), 407-424, 2021
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Articles 1–20