Tomasz Górecki
Tomasz Górecki
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Adam Mickiewicz University
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Cited by
Classification of edible oils using synchronous scanning fluorescence spectroscopy
E Sikorska, T Górecki, IV Khmelinskii, M Sikorski, J Kozioł
Food Chemistry 89 (2), 217-225, 2005
Using derivatives in time series classification
T Górecki, M Łuczak
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 26, 310-331, 2013
Multivariate time series classification with parametric derivative dynamic time warping
T Górecki, M Łuczak
Expert Systems with Applications 42 (5), 2305-2312, 2015
A comparison of tests for the one-way ANOVA problem for functional data
T Górecki, Ł Smaga
Computational Statistics 30, 987-1010, 2015
Systemy uczące się
M Krzyśko, W Wołyński, T Górecki, M Skorzybut
Rozpoznawanie wzorców, analiza skupień i redukcja wymiarowości. WNT, Warszawa, 2008
Non-isometric transforms in time series classification using DTW
T Górecki, M Łuczak
Knowledge-based systems 61, 98-108, 2014
Monitoring beer during storage by fluorescence spectroscopy
E Sikorska, T Górecki, IV Khmelinskii, M Sikorski, D De Keukeleire
Food Chemistry 96 (4), 632-639, 2006
Selected statistical methods of data analysis for multivariate functional data
T Górecki, M Krzyśko, Ł Waszak, W Wołyński
Statistical Papers 59, 153-182, 2018
fdANOVA: an R software package for analysis of variance for univariate and multivariate functional data
T Górecki, Ł Smaga
Computational Statistics 34 (2), 571-597, 2019
Konwergencja regionalna
E Nowińska-Łaźniewska, T Górecki, R Chmielewski
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego, 2011
Fluorescence spectroscopy for characterization and differentiation of beers
E Sikorska, T Górecki, IV Khmelinskii, M Sikorski, D De Keukeleire
Journal of the Institute of Brewing 110 (4), 267-275, 2004
Multivariate analysis of variance for functional data
T Górecki, Ł Smaga
Journal of Applied Statistics 44 (12), 2172-2189, 2017
Perception of apple juice: A comparison of physicochemical measurements, descriptive analysis and consumer responses
K Włodarska, K Pawlak‐Lemańska, T Górecki, E Sikorska
Journal of Food Quality 39 (4), 351-361, 2016
Change point detection in heteroscedastic time series
T Górecki, L Horváth, P Kokoszka
Econometrics and statistics 7, 63-88, 2018
Using derivatives in a longest common subsequence dissimilarity measure for time series classification
T Górecki
Pattern Recognition Letters 45, 99-105, 2014
Testing normality of functional time series
T Górecki, S Hörmann, L Horváth, P Kokoszka
Journal of time series analysis 39 (4), 471-487, 2018
Classification of commercial apple juices based on multivariate analysis of their chemical profiles
K Włodarska, K Pawlak-Lemańska, T Górecki, E Sikorska
International Journal of Food Properties 20 (8), 1773-1785, 2017
Classification of time series using combination of DTW and LCSS dissimilarity measures
T Górecki
Communications in Statistics-simulation and Computation 47 (1), 263-276, 2018
GEval: Tool for debugging NLP datasets and models
F Gralinski, A Wróblewska, T Stanisławek, K Grabowski, T Górecki
Proceedings of the 2019 ACL workshop BlackboxNLP: analyzing and interpreting …, 2019
Factors influencing consumers’ perceptions of food: A study of apple juice using sensory and visual attention methods
K Włodarska, K Pawlak-Lemańska, T Górecki, E Sikorska
Foods 8 (11), 545, 2019
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Articles 1–20