Łukasz Rajchel
Łukasz Rajchel
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Fine and hyperfine interactions in cold YbF-He collisions in electromagnetic fields
TV Tscherbul, J Kłos, L Rajchel, RV Krems
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 75 (3), 033416, 2007
Density Functional Theory Approach to Noncovalent Interactions via Monomer Polarization<? format?> and Pauli Blockade
Ł Rajchel, PS Żuchowski, MM Szczȩśniak, G Chałasiński
Physical review letters 104 (16), 163001, 2010
Density-dependent onset of the long-range exchange: A key to donor–acceptor properties
M Modrzejewski, Ł Rajchel, G Chalasinski, MM Szczesniak
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 117 (45), 11580-11586, 2013
Derivation of the supermolecular interaction energy from the monomer densities in the density functional theory
Ł Rajchel, PS Żuchowski, MM Szczęśniak, G Chałasiński
Chemical Physics Letters 486 (4-6), 160-165, 2010
Tuned range-separated hybrid functionals in the symmetry-adapted perturbation theory
M Hapka, Ł Rajchel, M Modrzejewski, G Chałasiński, MM Szczęśniak
The Journal of Chemical Physics 141 (13), 2014
Nonadditive interactions in ns2 and spin-polarized ns metal atom trimers
J Kłos, PS Żuchowski, Ł Rajchel, G Chałasiński, MM Szczęśniak
The Journal of chemical physics 129 (13), 2008
The nature of three-body interactions in DFT: Exchange and polarization effects
M Hapka, Ł Rajchel, M Modrzejewski, R Schäffer, G Chałasiński, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 147 (8), 2017
Interactions of transition metal atoms in high-spin states: Cr2, Sc–Cr, and Sc–Kr
Ł Rajchel, PS Żuchowski, J Kłos, MM Szczȩśniak, G Chałasiński
The Journal of chemical physics 127 (24), 2007
Dataset of noncovalent intermolecular interaction energy curves for 24 small high-spin open-shell dimers
K Madajczyk, PS Żuchowski, F Brzȩk, Ł Rajchel, D Kȩdziera, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 154 (13), 2021
A density functional theory approach to noncovalent interactions via interacting monomer densities
Ł Rajchel, PS Żuchowski, M Hapka, M Modrzejewski, MM Szczęśniak, ...
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12 (44), 14686-14692, 2010
Dispersion-free component of non-covalent interaction via mutual polarization of fragment densities
M Modrzejewski, Ł Rajchel, MM Szczęśniak, G Chałasiński
The Journal of Chemical Physics 136 (20), 2012
Interactions in Open-Shell Clusters:  Ab Initio Study of Pre-reactive Complex O(3P) + HCl
JE Rode, J Klos, L Rajchel, MM Szczesniak, G Chalasinski, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 109 (50), 11484-11494, 2005
A first-principles-based correlation functional for harmonious connection of short-range correlation and long-range dispersion
M Modrzejewski, M Lesiuk, Ł Rajchel, MM Szczęśniak, G Chałasiński
The Journal of Chemical Physics 137 (20), 2012
Metoda oddziałujących gęstości monomerowych i jej zastosowanie do kompleksów van der Waalsa
Ł Rajchel
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Articles 1–14