Hanna Sawicka
Hanna Sawicka
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Zweryfikowany adres z put.poznan.pl
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Ranking of distribution system's redesign scenarios using stochastic MCDM/A procedure
H Sawicka, J Zak
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 111, 186-196, 2014
Application of multiple criteria decision aid methods in logistic systems
H Sawicka, S Węgliński, P Witort
LogForum 6 (3), 10, 2010
Logistics process improvement using simulation and stochastic multiple criteria decision aiding
P Sawicki, H Sawicka
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 111, 213-223, 2014
The methodology of solving stochastic multiple criteria ranking problems applied in transportation
H Sawicka
Transportation Research Procedia 47, 219-226, 2020
Redesigning supply chain network of a lubricant company: an innovative approach
SA Khan, H Sawicka
LogForum 12 (2), 2016
Mathematical and simulation based modeling of the distribution system of goods
H Sawicka, J Zak
Proceedings of the 23rd European Conference on Operational Research, Bonn 233, 2009
Design Optimization of Stacked Pallet Load Units
P Sawicki, H Sawicka
Applied Sciences 13 (4), 2153, 2023
Analiza i ocena procesu magazynowania w przedsiębiorstwie produkcyjnym
M Buda, H Sawicka
Logistyka, 42--51, CD1, 2015
Optimisation of the Two-Tier Distribution System in Omni-Channel Environment
P Sawicki, H Sawicka
Energies 14 (22), 7700, 2021
Behavior of customers using cep infrastructure
M Bieńczak, M Piosik, H Sawicka, P Sawicki, W Walerjańczyk, ...
Contemporary Challenges in Supply Chains Vol. 1, May 2020, 65-80, 2020
Redesign of warehousing process with an application of object-oriented simulation method
M Kaźmierczak, H Sawicka
Research in Logistics & Production 7 (4), 351-366, 2017
Artificial intelligence in stochastic multiple criteria decision making
H Sawicka
Handbook of Research on Advanced Data Mining Techniques and Applications for …, 2017
Selection of Technological Vehicles to the Geological and Mining Conditions with an Application of Stochastic Group Decision Aiding Method
H Sawicka, P Bodziony, S Piotr
Proceedings of the Carpathian Logistics Congress, 178-184, 2017
Application of MCDM/A Methods to Ranking Different Variants of the Distribution System
J Żak, H Sawicka
Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, 11-15, 2010
Combined optimisation and MCDA based solution of the tram depot location problem
P Sawicki, H Sawicka
Archives of Transport 60 (4), 88-103, 2021
Manual-How to use AHORNsimple® to support multiple criteria decision process
P Sawicki, H Sawicka
Virtual Decision Lab,(http://decision. put. poznan. pl/decisiontools/ahorn …, 2020
The redesign method of the distribution system of goods
H Sawicka
The Redesign Methodology of a Transportation Network
R Wiedemann, H Sawicka
Decision Support Methods in Modern Transportation Systems and Networks, 1-22, 2021
The impact of mass transit schedules on the modal split
S Fierek, H Sawicka, P Sawicki
WUT Journal of Transportation Engineering 120, 93-109, 2018
Wielokryterialna ocena technologii naprowadzania na wolne miejsca parkingowe
A Wojciechowska, H Sawicka
Prace Naukowe Politechniki Warszawskiej. Transport, 2018
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