Maryna Brychko (Марина Бричко)
Maryna Brychko (Марина Бричко)
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Financial, business and trust cycles: the issues of synchronization
Y Bilan, MM Brychko, AV Buriak, TA Vasylieva
Sveučilište u Rijeci, 2019
Trust crisis in the financial sector and macroeconomic stability: A structural equation modelling approach
M Brychko, Y Bilan, S Lyeonov, G Mentel
Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja 34 (1), 828-855, 2021
Do changes in the business environment and sustainable development really matter for enhancing enterprise development?
M Brychko, Y Bilan, S Lyeonov, D Streimikiene
Sustainable Development 31 (2), 587-599, 2023
Efficiency as a new ideology of trust-building corporate governance
MM Brychko, AY Semenoh
Prague Development Center, 2018
Trust cycle of the finance sector and its determinants: The case of Ukraine
MM Brychko, J Polách, OV Kuzmenko, O Tadeusz
Journal of International Studies, 2019
Illegal activities of financial intermediaries: A burden of trust crisis
MM Brychko, TH Savchenko, TA Vasylieva, P Piotrowski
Journal of International Studies, 2021
Marketing research in the context of trust in the public sector: A case of the digital environment
V Litovtseva, D Krawczyk, A Kuzior, M Brychko, T Vasylieva
Innovative Marketing 18 (4), 133-147, 2022
Міжнародні фінанси
ІІ Д'яконова, ІІ Дяконова, МІ Макаренко, ФО Журавка, ІО Школьник, ...
Центр учбової літератури, 2013
Scientific approach to assessing the independence of financial supervision
VM Kremen, MM Brychko, O Kremen
Financial and Credit Activity-Problems of Theory and Practice 1 (24), 383-391, 2018
Financial, business and trust cycles: The issues of synchronization. Zbornik Radova Ekonomskog Fakultet au Rijeci, 37 (1), 113-138
Y Bilan, M Brychko, A Buriak, T Vasilyeva
Stakeholder’s financial relations and bank business management efficiency: evidence from Ukraine
H Obeid, MM Brychko
Sumy State University, 2017
Governance of stakeholder’s financial relationships: Evidence fom Ukrainian banking sector
MM Brychko
Corporate Ownership & Control, 2013
Trust in the financial sector: a new approach to conceptualizing and measuring
S Onyshchenko, MM Brychko, VY Litovtseva, HV Yevsieieva
Limited Liability Company “FINTECHALLIANCE”, 2022
Оцінювання ефективності управління діяльністю банків в системі фінансових відносин їх стейкхолдерів
ММ Бричко, M Brychko
Суми, 2014
Corporate governance: an international outlook
OM Kostiuk, R Apreda, C Gerner-Beuerle
Virtus Interpress, 2011
Current trends in research on confidence in the healthcare system
VY Litovtseva, MM Brychko, P Srovnalíková
Sumy State University, 2022
Financial support of communities during the Covid-19 pandemic
O Pakhnenko, M Brychko, A Shalda
Financial Markets, Institutions and Risks (FMIR) 6 (3), 83-92, 2022
Does the real estate market behavior predict the trust crisis in the financial sector? The case of the ECB and the Euro
M Brychko, T Vasilyeva, Z Rowland, S Lyeonov
Equilibrium. Quarterly Journal of Economics and Economic Policy 16 (4), 711-740, 2021
Науково-методичні підходи до оцінювання рівня довіри споживачів на ринку банківських послуг України
АЮ Семеног, ММ Бричко, ВВ Семеног
Modern economics, 245-252, 2019
EuroAsian perspectives of the banking systems development
OM Kostiuk, LI Khomutenko
Virtus Interpress, 2011
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Articles 1–20