Tu Bui
Tu Bui
Research Scientist, Fujitsu
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Everything you wanted to know about deep learning for computer vision but were afraid to ask
MA Ponti, LSF Ribeiro, TS Nazare, T Bui, J Collomosse
2017 30th SIBGRAPI conference on graphics, patterns and images tutorials …, 2017
Sketchformer: Transformer-based representation for sketched structure
LSF Ribeiro, T Bui, J Collomosse, M Ponti
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2020
Compact descriptors for sketch-based image retrieval using a triplet loss convolutional neural network
T Bui, L Ribeiro, M Ponti, J Collomosse
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 164, 27-37, 2017
Sketching out the details: Sketch-based image retrieval using convolutional neural networks with multi-stage regression
T Bui, L Ribeiro, M Ponti, J Collomosse
Computers & Graphics 71, 77-87, 2018
Sketching with style: Visual search with sketches and aesthetic context
J Collomosse, T Bui, MJ Wilber, C Fang, H Jin
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision, 2660-2668, 2017
ARCHANGEL: Trusted archives of digital public documents
J Collomosse, T Bui, A Brown, J Sheridan, A Green, M Bell, J Fawcett, ...
Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2018, 1-4, 2018
Livesketch: Query perturbations for guided sketch-based visual search
J Collomosse, T Bui, H Jin
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
Generalisation and sharing in triplet convnets for sketch based visual search
T Bui, L Ribeiro, M Ponti, J Collomosse
arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.05301, 2016
Scalable sketch-based image retrieval using color gradient features
T Bui, J Collomosse
Proceedings of the IEEE international conference on computer vision …, 2015
Rosteals: Robust steganography using autoencoder latent space
T Bui, S Agarwal, N Yu, J Collomosse
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2023
Repmix: Representation mixing for robust attribution of synthesized images
T Bui, N Yu, J Collomosse
European Conference on Computer Vision, 146-163, 2022
Tamper-proofing video with hierarchical attention autoencoder hashing on blockchain
T Bui, D Cooper, J Collomosse, M Bell, A Green, J Sheridan, J Higgins, ...
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 22 (11), 2858-2872, 2020
Archangel: Tamper-proofing video archives using temporal content hashes on the blockchain
T Bui, D Cooper, J Collomosse, M Bell, A Green, J Sheridan, J Higgins, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2019
Cogs: Controllable generation and search from sketch and style
C Ham, GC Tarres, T Bui, J Hays, Z Lin, J Collomosse
European Conference on Computer Vision, 632-650, 2022
Oscar-net: Object-centric scene graph attention for image attribution
E Nguyen, T Bui, V Swaminathan, J Collomosse
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF international conference on computer vision …, 2021
Deep image comparator: Learning to visualize editorial change
A Black, T Bui, H Jin, V Swaminathan, J Collomosse
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2021
Deep manifold alignment for mid-grain sketch based image retrieval
T Bui, L Ribeiro, M Ponti, J Collomosse
Computer Vision–ACCV 2018: 14th Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Perth …, 2019
TrustMark: Universal Watermarking for Arbitrary Resolution Images
T Bui, S Agarwal, J Collomosse
arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.18297, 2023
Scene designer: a unified model for scene search and synthesis from sketch
LSF Ribeiro, T Bui, J Collomosse, M Ponti
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision …, 2021
Underscoring archival authenticity with blockchain technology
M Bell, A Green, J Sheridan, J Collomosse, D Cooper, T Bui, O Thereaux, ...
Insights 32 (1), 2019
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Articles 1–20