Dustin Carlino
Dustin Carlino
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Auction-based autonomous intersection management
D Carlino, SD Boyles, P Stone
16th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems …, 2013
Approximately orchestrated routing and transportation analyzer: Large-scale traffic simulation for autonomous vehicles
D Carlino, M Depinet, P Khandelwal, P Stone
2012 15th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2012
Jittering: A computationally efficient method for generating realistic route networks from origin-destination data
R Lovelace, R Félix, D Carlino
Findings, 2022
ClockBoard: A zoning system for urban analysis
R Lovelace, M Tennekes, D Carlino
Journal of Spatial Information Science 24 (24), 63-85, 2022
Active Travel Oriented Development: Assessing the suitability of sites for new homes
J Talbot, M Lucas-Smith, A Speakman, M Streb, S Nuttall, D Carlino, ...
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 22 (4), 51-72, 2022
Exploring jittering and routing options for converting origin-destination data into route networks: towards accurate estimates of movement at the street level
R Lovelace, R Félix, D Carlino
The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial …, 2022
Innovation Center in Urban Public Policies–FGV Cidades
C Biderman, PAS Mello, A Coordinators, C Acosta, M Giannotti, M Levy, ...
Centro de Inovação em Políticas Públicas–FGV Cidades
C Biderman, PAS Mello, MA Giannotti, JC Dutra, SMM Marinho, ...
Assessing methods for generating route networks from origin-destionation data: jittering, routing, and visualisation
R Lovelace, R Félix, D Carlino, R Beecham
Approximately Orchestrated Routing and Transportation Analyzer: City-scale autonomous traffic simulation
D Carlino
Approximately Orchestrated Routing and Transportation Analyzer: City-scale traffic simulation and control schemes
D Carlino
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Articles 1–11