Anna Gilbert
Anna Gilbert
Zweryfikowany adres z yale.edu
Cytowane przez
Cytowane przez
Signal recovery from random measurements via orthogonal matching pursuit
JA Tropp, AC Gilbert
IEEE Transactions on information theory 53 (12), 4655-4666, 2007
Algorithms for simultaneous sparse approximation. Part I: Greedy pursuit
JA Tropp, AC Gilbert, MJ Strauss
Signal processing 86 (3), 572-588, 2006
Signal recovery from partial information via orthogonal matching pursuit
J Tropp, AC Gilbert
IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory 53 (12), 4655-4666, 2007
Data networks as cascades: Investigating the multifractal nature of Internet WAN traffic
A Feldmann, AC Gilbert, W Willinger
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 28 (4), 42-55, 1998
Dynamics of IP traffic: A study of the role of variability and the impact of control
A Feldmann, AC Gilbert, P Huang, W Willinger
Proceedings of the conference on Applications, technologies, architectures …, 1999
Surfing wavelets on streams: One-pass summaries for approximate aggregate queries
AC Gilbert, Y Kotidis, S Muthukrishnan, M Strauss
Vldb 1, 79-88, 2001
The changing nature of network traffic: Scaling phenomena
A Feldmann, AC Gilbert, W Willinger, TG Kurtz
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 28 (2), 5-29, 1998
Combining geometry and combinatorics: A unified approach to sparse signal recovery
R Berinde, AC Gilbert, P Indyk, H Karloff, MJ Strauss
2008 46th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2008
Sparse recovery using sparse matrices
A Gilbert, P Indyk
Proceedings of the IEEE 98 (6), 937-947, 2010
Simultaneous sparse approximation via greedy pursuit
JA Tropp, AC Gilbert, MJ Strauss
Proceedings.(ICASSP'05). IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech …, 2005
Fast, small-space algorithms for approximate histogram maintenance
AC Gilbert, S Guha, P Indyk, Y Kotidis, S Muthukrishnan, MJ Strauss
Proceedings of the thiry-fourth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 2002
Near-optimal sparse Fourier representations via sampling
AC Gilbert, S Guha, P Indyk, S Muthukrishnan, M Strauss
Proceedings of the thiry-fourth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 2002
One sketch for all: fast algorithms for compressed sensing
AC Gilbert, MJ Strauss, JA Tropp, R Vershynin
Proceedings of the thirty-ninth annual ACM symposium on Theory of computing …, 2007
Random sampling for analog-to-information conversion of wideband signals
J Laska, S Kirolos, Y Massoud, R Baraniuk, A Gilbert, M Iwen, M Strauss
2006 IEEE Dallas/CAS Workshop on Design, Applications, Integration and …, 2006
Improved time bounds for near-optimal sparse Fourier representations
AC Gilbert, S Muthukrishnan, M Strauss
Wavelets xi 5914, 398-412, 2005
Approximation of functions over redundant dictionaries using coherence
AC Gilbert, S Muthukrishnan, MJ Strauss
SODA, 243-252, 2003
How to summarize the universe: Dynamic maintenance of quantiles
AC Gilbert, Y Kotidis, S Muthukrishnan, MJ Strauss
VLDB'02: Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Very Large …, 2002
Scaling analysis of conservative cascades, with applications to network traffic
AC Gilbert, W Willinger, A Feldmann
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 45 (3), 971-991, 1999
Recent developments in the sparse Fourier transform: A compressed Fourier transform for big data
AC Gilbert, P Indyk, M Iwen, L Schmidt
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 31 (5), 91-100, 2014
Algorithmic linear dimension reduction in the l_1 norm for sparse vectors
AC Gilbert, MJ Strauss, JA Tropp, R Vershynin
arXiv preprint cs/0608079, 2006
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