Chee Wee Tan
Cited by
Cited by
Natural language processing (NLP) in management research: A literature review
Y Kang, Z Cai, CW Tan, Q Huang, H Liu
Journal of Management Analytics 7 (2), 139-172, 2020
IT-mediated customer service content and delivery in electronic governments: An empirical investigation of the antecedents of service quality
CW Tan, I Benbasat, RT Cenfetelli
MIS quarterly, 77-109, 2013
Disentangling digital platform competition: The case of UK mobile payment platforms
E Kazan, CW Tan, ETK Lim, C Sørensen, J Damsgaard
Journal of management information systems 35 (1), 180-219, 2018
Managing e-transformation in the public sector: an e-government study of the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS)
CW Tan, SL Pan
European Journal of Information Systems 12 (4), 269-281, 2003
Building citizen trust towards e-government services: do high quality websites matter?
CW Tan, I Benbasat, RT Cenfetelli
Proceedings of the 41st Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2008
Managing stakeholder interests in e-government implementation: Lessons learned from a Singapore e-government project
CW Tan, SL Pan, ETK Lim
Journal of Global Information Management (JGIM) 13 (1), 31-53, 2005
Omnichannel business research: Opportunities and challenges
Y Chen, CMK Cheung, CW Tan
Decision Support Systems 109, 1-4, 2018
Business on chain: A comparative case study of five blockchain-inspired business models
AYL Chong, ETK Lim, X Hua, S Zheng, CW Tan
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 20 (9), 1310-1339, 2019
Disentangling utilitarian and hedonic consumption behavior in online shopping: An expectation disconfirmation perspective
F Liu, ETK Lim, H Li, CW Tan, D Cyr
Information & Management 57 (3), 103199, 2020
Managing user acceptance towards enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems–understanding the dissonance between user expectations and managerial policies
ETK Lim, SL Pan, CW Tan
European Journal of Information Systems 14 (2), 135-149, 2005
An exploratory study of the formation and impact of electronic service failures
CW Tan, I Benbasat, RT Cenfetelli
Mis Quarterly 40 (1), 1-30, 2016
Customer relationship management (CRM) in e-government: a relational perspective
SL Pan, CW Tan, ETK Lim
Decision support systems 42 (1), 237-250, 2006
Artificial intelligence (AI) and management analytics
M Haenlein, A Kaplan, CW Tan, P Zhang
Journal of Management Analytics 6 (4), 341-343, 2019
The art of appeal in electronic commerce: Understanding the impact of product and website quality on online purchases
F Liu, B Xiao, ETK Lim, CW Tan
Internet Research 27 (4), 752-771, 2017
Smart generation system of personalized advertising copy and its application to advertising practice and research
S Deng, CW Tan, W Wang, Y Pan
Journal of Advertising 48 (4), 356-365, 2019
Advancing public trust relationships in electronic government: The Singapore e-filing journey
ETK Lim, CW Tan, D Cyr, SL Pan, B Xiao
Information Systems Research 23 (4), 1110-1130, 2012
Traversing knowledge networks: an algorithmic historiography of extant literature on the Internet of Things (IoT)
F Liu, CW Tan, ETK Lim, B Choi
Journal of Management Analytics 4 (1), 3-34, 2017
Sports digitalization: An overview and A research agenda
X Xiao, FTC Tan, ETK Lim, S Henningsson, R Vatrapu, J Hedman, ...
38th International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2017, 2018
Value creation in cryptocurrency networks: Towards a taxonomy of digital business models for bitcoin companies
E Kazan, CW Tan, ETK Lim
ICT-enabled refugee integration: A research agenda
S AbuJarour, M Wiesche, AD Andrade, J Fedorowicz, H Krasnova, ...
Communications of the AIS 44 (1), 874-891, 2019
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Articles 1–20